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Finally pulled a Golden ticket.. who will he the other 104 players??


Rookie 1
These Golden Tickets gonna be outdated so fast if its 104 ovr... i know its gonna have abilities/boosts

But you can get 104 right now with just 75k points and 105 master easily attainable... these Golden Ticket cards should be 107 not 104 :(

The jump from 102 GTs to 104 is not a lot. theres gonna be 106 masters in a few weeks.


All-Star 1
These Golden Tickets gonna be outdated so fast if its 104 ovr... i know its gonna have abilities/boosts

But you can get 104 right now with just 75k points and 105 master easily attainable... these Golden Ticket cards should be 107 not 104 :(

The jump from 102 GTs to 104 is not a lot. theres gonna be 106 masters in a few weeks.
We already have 106...check your sets.


Rookie 1
These Golden Tickets gonna be outdated so fast if its 104 ovr... i know its gonna have abilities/boosts

But you can get 104 right now with
We already have 106...check your sets.
just 75k points and 105 master easily attainable... these Golden Ticket cards should be 107 not 104 :(

The jump from 102 GTs to 104 is not a lot. theres gonna be 106 masters in a few weeks.
We already have 106...check your sets.
We already have 106...check your sets.
Yea it's usually like that but EA is obviously in full control of that.
In my opinion that is not always how it works though... to me it's about the player capabilities ect.... My favourite golden ticket of the entire last season was the 106 Iverson.... and I used him until the end... smashing 110s.....
Him and Dirk with that 70 sec clutch... probably my all time favourite card period.... besides the precharged 110 Kawhi and Harden of course...
To me it's not always about the overall


Rookie 1
His 95 has has shooting stats that are 25 points away from his overall and his OBD is 20 points away so you can expect his 104 to have about 76 in the shooting stats and under 85 in OBD those are unusable for a PG dominated game to me this is another case of a tall player that doesn't fit a PG mold at all being put at PG

Is Jermaine O'Neal your favorite player at least

Lol this couldn't have been more wrong. You never know with EA. What a card!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Lol this couldn't have been more wrong. You never know with EA. What a card!
I wasn't the only one that said this is way different than expected because EA doesn't allow you to pick stats to be boosted like they used to 90% of the time EA does a surprise it's a negative one I'm glad this was in the other 10% because it's an insane improvement


Rookie 1
I had to have it submitted by the 25th.. already done. I've heard that someone made another bol, Kerry, Janet, sabonis
I've been playing a couple tears now and haven't seen my guy yet as a gt though
the kerr was designed by NBA LIVE COMMUNITY


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