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Finally pulled a Golden ticket.. who will he the other 104 players??


NBA Legend
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No they don't release that info (supposedly someone is making a PG Yao 😴) but if I was you I would make something totally new that we've never had before and not just any tall C as a PG or the millionth LeBron, Harden, Curry, or AD GTs that we've had since they brought GTs into this game a few years ago

If you want to go the original route you can post a bunch of players and positions for them and we can tell you what's been done already personally I'd like a Pippen or Butler PG since those would be new ideas


Rookie 1
I had to have it submitted by the 25th.. already done. I've heard that someone made another bol, Kerry, Janet, sabonis
I've been playing a couple tears now and haven't seen my guy yet as a gt though


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I had to have it submitted by the 25th.. already done. I've heard that someone made another bol, Kerry, Janet, sabonis
I've been playing a couple tears now and haven't seen my guy yet as a gt though
Kerry and Janet? Can you share what you chose since you shared what some others chose


NBA Legend
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we shall see stewie
His 95 has has shooting stats that are 25 points away from his overall and his OBD is 20 points away so you can expect his 104 to have about 76 in the shooting stats and under 85 in OBD those are unusable for a PG dominated game to me this is another case of a tall player that doesn't fit a PG mold at all being put at PG

Is Jermaine O'Neal your favorite player at least


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Artest but hes not available... my father passed away the evening I pulled it. He loved him. But my 2nd favourite no doubt
Sorry to hear that and my condolences i was just curious what the thought process was because that won't be a very beneficial card in the game but that's a reasonable stance and I respect it you never hear from the very few non-GCs that make GTs because it's 1 or 2 handfuls of people across the world that pull one each time and none of the communities are big enough to find out much about more than a couple of them


All-Star 1
Cool deal. Thanks for sharing & I'm glad it was able to be a meaningful thing for you. Much more rewarding than you'd think for a contest in a mobile game, lol


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