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Final game key event pulls


Rookie 1
If memory serves me right, if you lost the finals game key match you got a playoff moments collectible. I only made that set once...I made Klay and VanFleet bc I had enough players at that point...bought Lowry, curry, and Kawhi in the ah.


Rookie 2
For some reason, with the balanced line up involving Magic and Lakers, the 76ers Ben Simmons has a 91 over 3 pt shooting stat. F***ing Simmons with an actual shot- unlike IRL- really made it hard for me to overcome.

I have played 3 times and lost all 3. That fictional Simmons with a decent Curry shot is a real mf in that game. EA really does know how to make a fictional version of some real life players.


Rookie 1
question... the 40 token playoff moments. The description says pick from 102-105 OVR players. What players are available? I've searched everywhere and cant find an info. I need 2 more tokens and the only way I think I can get now is to buy 500 cash. I already spent $500 cash twice and only got 1 token each. Im reluctant to to buy without knowing who I can get. Any insight is much appreciated. Thx


All-Star 3
question... the 40 token playoff moments. The description says pick from 102-105 OVR players. What players are available? I've searched everywhere and cant find an info. I need 2 more tokens and the only way I think I can get now is to buy 500 cash. I already spent $500 cash twice and only got 1 token each. Im reluctant to to buy without knowing who I can get. Any insight is much appreciated. Thx
U get to choose from the 105 potg players and 102 lillard


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