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Easter Promo


Rookie 1
current thinking seems to be after lillard we get easter then playoffs part 2 that will
feature all teams


Pro 1
current thinking seems to be after lillard we get easter then playoffs part 2 that will
feature all teams

Yeah that seems to be the track, as for Playoffs 2, Kyrie may be a master, but nothing is official. Brian only said he mentioned a master Kyrie to the development team.
Love when we have a ghost promo running wild.....LOL.

If you're in legend division in SD, you get 200 carrot points per win.

You need like 900-1k points for the 1st milestone (jersey pack, exactly that 22k coins pack in the store)

Milestone 2 is a nickname player (93+ ovr)
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Pro 1
102 Jamal Murray, Paul George, and Dennis Rodman are the masters

Of course the first Paul George card in months that isn’t a GOTW card is practically unattainable, nice work EA
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
102 Jamal Murray, Paul George, and Dennis Rodman are the masters

Of course the first PG card in months that isn’t a GOTW card is practically unattainable, nice work EA
Every promo has a PG master that is easily obtainable


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