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Duos Event Point Progression Chart & Calculator


Rookie 1
DuoEventChart 0% Bonus Start.png

  • You buy all coin packs from store.
  • You collect at least 5 bonus packs a day from store/ads
  • You Complete 1 Warm-Up event a day
  • Bonus for 99 ovr masters highlighted in yellow. You should be able to claim 4 of them without additional grinding other than first wins. 2 from west and 2 from east. an additional 99 master can be unlocked with some minimal extra grinding.
  • Does not include any additional grinding or points earned from SD/LvL matches
  • For starting with 20% or 70% (50%+20%) boosts, please see attachments.

Projects the total points until the end of the event using only first wins going forward.

Just enter the Day#, Round# and your current amount of...
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  • DuoEventChart 20% Bonus Start.png
    DuoEventChart 20% Bonus Start.png
    122.9 KB · Views: 439
  • DuoEventChart 70% Bonus Start.png
    DuoEventChart 70% Bonus Start.png
    129.7 KB · Views: 374
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Rookie 1
PS - For those aiming at Harden & Westbrook,

Unlocking all 10 players requires a total of 3500 east+west points.
At a 10 energy consumption cost a point,
you would need 35,000 energy over the next 16 days
or about 2,188 energy per day.

Unless you pay for refills or straight up buy east/west points,
the only feasible way for a f2p player to get them is with a brand new Level 1 account that can use the lever up refill process to grind the east/west points and get all 10 players.
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Rookie 1
Good work. So basically after getting 150 battle points either West or East, we could pick one master with 99ovr right? Then we gotta earn another 99ovr to be able to claim the 106ovr duos? However, we gotta also reach 200,000 duo points to get the token that should be redeemed with the 99 masters? Let me know if my understanding from reading what the game explain is wrong.


Rookie 1
Good work. So basically after getting 150 battle points either West or East, we could pick one master with 99ovr right? Then we gotta earn another 99ovr to be able to claim the 106ovr duos? However, we gotta also reach 200,000 duo points to get the token that should be redeemed with the 99 masters? Let me know if my understanding from reading what the game explain is wrong.

So for every 150>350>750>1250>1750 points you earn in East or West,
You unlock a Duo Game Point.
That Duo Game point can be used to unlock an 99 OVR master.
(it would suck if you lost that match or if game crashes since i think you lose the game point)

In order to Upgrade that Master, you MUST also acquire his teammate,
Once you collect both and also acquire the Duo Upgrade Tokens, you can level them up.

You need two tokens per Duo in order to fully upgrade them to 109.
First token upgrades both to 106 and the second token upgrades both to 109


Rookie 1
So for every 150>350>750>1250>1750 points you earn in East or West,
You unlock a Duo Game Point.
That Duo Game point can be used to unlock an 99 OVR master.
(it would suck if you lost that match or if game crashes since i think you lose the game point)

In order to Upgrade that Master, you MUST also acquire his teammate,
Once you collect both and also acquire the Duo Upgrade Tokens, you can level them up.

You need two tokens per Duo in order to fully upgrade them to 109.
First token upgrades both to 106 and the second token upgrades both to 109

Maaan thank you for this. I thought exactly like this, just not sure about whether it comes as two player or we need to work another mate after we get one. So, that's a lot of stress assuming that it will spend days of hardwork if not spending real $$$, I bet as they priced around 5mil, better to work hard on AH, in a week 5 mil profit is easy hahaha.


Rookie 1
At least this one you'll grind for it...NBA 2K Mobile you'll have to purchase DUO's with real money

NBA 2k mobile is way better for the way we play, kinda more realistic and we can't just go through an opponent for a dunk... lol. However, the game is a rip off!!! Man.... these Basketball games think basketball fans are rich. Lol.

I mean, I play CSR racing and WGT golf, you don't need to spend hundreds of $$$ to have maximum fun, in total I only spent like $200 for both games and been playing for over a year.

This?? Hahahahahaha the maximum fun to maxed out and follow the update? $150-200 for each 100-110ovr, for that; I don't spend! Better grind and trade using AH to get coins, 1 million a day isn't hard at all, and I'm only playing this for 10-11 days


Rookie 1
Agree on the rip off part...3 to 10 coins on completing events hahaha

If this game is more reliable... I believe soending $10 a week is kinda acceptable... lol. But nah, virtual card of NBA player shouldn't cost $156. Lol.

Afterall, this game give us no real rewards for winning: hahaha Showdown top 100 rewards? Jersey. Wtf. Hahaha


Rookie 1
Personally this is the only event i have bothered to use any of my cash on.
I did the 1200 pack for the 20% boost.

4 x 109 players.

The cards themselves might not be trade able, but that sets me for a 111 team which i didn't think i'd be able to do before the end of the season without throwing a ton of my coins away and wasting another 3-4 million to get Kawhi.

And they're not retired players like shaq or yao from that campaign.

Say what you want. Those Shaq and Yao cards were game changers in SD and LvL.
Why should these cards which are among the best the NBA currently has to offer be any different.

It might only be for a week or two but damn those are some fine cards/players to own even if they will most likely won't be trade able just like the shaq/yao cards aren't currently.

And if the Yearly lineup isn't just legacy, which i don't think it will be, these cards could be very useful.

I get everyone is worried that any current cards are a waste going to season 4 but i think EA has found a middle ground. I think they see how devaluing the cards like that at the end of every season opens them up to litigation.

Allowing for a Yearly lineup that retains some of that value the cards have would allow them to defer any criticism that so many games have that reset at the start of each season.

You won't get to use it as much as now, but i think you'll have enough to keep each person satisfied that all that team building didn't go for nought.

Then again i could be wrong and EA could stick it to us like it has so many times in the past.

But for once i feel that i won't be utterly disappointed and that we will get to keep enough going to the next season to keep us satisfied.

Only a few weeks to go to find out.

PS. this game is handing out 2 x 109 ovr players for FREE with less than avg grinding. You can even miss 1/3 rounds a day and not buy any of the coin packs and still have enough points to claim two of them and then some. For once this event seems quite fair to me for a change regardless the excessive/prohibitive cost to get the Main prize which are the Harden & Westbrook 110 cards.
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Rookie 1
Updated the Chart.

I had forgotten to give boost bonus on warm-up runs.

Doesn't change the 16 day total by much.

+2K points with 0% boost start
+5K points with 20% boost start &
+10K points with 70% boost start


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
NBA 2k mobile is way better for the way we play, kinda more realistic and we can't just go through an opponent for a dunk... lol. However, the game is a rip off!!! Man.... these Basketball games think basketball fans are rich. Lol.

I mean, I play CSR racing and WGT golf, you don't need to spend hundreds of $$$ to have maximum fun, in total I only spent like $200 for both games and been playing for over a year.

This?? Hahahahahaha the maximum fun to maxed out and follow the update? $150-200 for each 100-110ovr, for that; I don't spend! Better grind and trade using AH to get coins, 1 million a day isn't hard at all, and I'm only playing this for 10-11 days
2K mobile still not having a dribble button makes the game unplayable


Rookie 1
I had to make a change on the amount of 99 ovr masters you can claim on the chart due to a mistake I made.

The only part i calculated manually was the east/west points.
It seems i did a lousy job at that and overestimated the amount of east/west points you will be able to get through first wins only.

The guaranteed amount of East/west points are 570/612 (or a combination of that total depending on which side you gave the blitz & practice tokens first)

That leaves you with 2 guaranteed players from each side.
Some small grinding can easily earn you an extra ovr master that you don't need other than getting the extra 5,000 points it earn you for the event.

Pretty much what this means is that all 3 charts originally showed that you could claim 7 masters

The chart has been updated to show the point accumulation based on claiming just 5 x 99ovr masters.

As such, all charts had their total reduced by 12K points

I apologize for my mistake and any frustration that might have caused anyone.

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Rookie 1
The thing is this duo token that can transform the cards from 99ovr to 100+ I forgot 103 or 106, can only be earned at 200k duos points right? Is that only one or more?



All-Star 3
The thing is this duo token that can transform the cards from 99ovr to 100+ I forgot 103 or 106, can only be earned at 200k duos points right? Is that only one or more?

One at 100k .. makes the 99s to 106s

One at 185k.. makes the 106s to 109s
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Rookie 1
One at 100k .. makes the 99s to 106s

One at 185k.. makes the 106s to 109s

Amazing cheers man. I don't spend my energy on showdown anymore now... only this campaign. Hahahaha. Because the match on Battleground far more interesting.

Guys, sorry to ask something out of topic.

Have you encounter something that can be considered 'ghost bid'? That's what I believe they should be called, or at least the moment.

Because for at least 3-5 times a day since I'm just getting better at Snipping, I realised someone out there can work their way out by bidding without us getting inform by the system.

I tried to click 'bid' when it reach 1 second, always fail. How are these guys doing such a thing? Because what happened is annoying that suddenly without knowing that someone is outbidding me, the item suddenly sold to someone else.

Please let me know if that's a glitch or simply there is a trick I should learn? It's okay if you know the trick and wanna keep it secret too. Lol


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