Crisanto Gaming
Rookie 1
Been on GG site since S1 and S2... and I prefer this site that previous one... some mods from the old site are some what abusive with their powers...
I was not a huge fan of the structure in a first impression - as I wasn't in gg's case either.
But the unread-posts link makes it easy to catch up with everything, so that's the bookmark and how I navigate here
We have admins and mods playing the game here so that's a big advantage compared to gg in s2 when every mod was away except 4katosh.
Community is fine and the activity here is a lot higher than the alternatives - the glitches post probably has more replies than some others have in whole s3.
So I guess the only thing one can miss is the structure of s1 database, when we could see hidden stats. Torch does a decent job in his db in the meantime. But it would be awesome if we returned to access to full stats at some point, and we got to see the list of players shortly after each maintenance/release, but I guess that's up to EA's will, more than the admins connections.
edit - typo/grammar