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Do you guys think this new site is better then nbalive.gg


Rookie 2
10000% yes. First off, the mods are not EA employees or GC?s so they do not have the same motivation (profit, promote EA) as opposed to the mods at gg and secondly, the community in general seems more respectful than the at times heated environment at GG.


Rookie 1
Mods are great, community is way more active than muthead and reddit sub combined.

however, the website is mediocre when viewing on mobile, that would be my only gripe. i vaguely remember nbalive.gg was a little easier to navigate and less laggy on mobile, but that may be hindsight bias.


Rookie 1
Yes!! We just need a few people selling coins JK jaja

gg seems like it was an ego ran dump site. Here people really seem like they want the best for this game and willing to share ideas.
In gg, Sometime the good info would get lost in the middle of all the crap.


Rookie 1
Definitely. It feels so much better not having to see that annoying mod with that annoying pic changing peoples titles, moving threads etc.


Rookie 1
The Original nbalive.gg has a better platform, color scheme, profile/avatar options, the site is just more polished, this site is making me Login every time i open the website.. That being said the community here is 1000x better than .gg its not even comparable nothing but POSITIVE vibes here. Everyone here is so helpful and friendly that ull rarely see any negativity if not nothing at all. That alone outweighs everything. So yes this site is better in my opinion, but there is always room for improvement :)


Rookie 3
it had stats in S1... S2 they became lazy, as they the mods/GC's started getting kick backs..
i <3'd Josh.. but the mods here know how much i hate them.. i mean love them, love them too :D :D


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The Original nbalive.gg has a better platform, color scheme, profile/avatar options, the site is just more polished, this site is making me Login every time i open the website.. That being said the community here is 1000x better than .gg its not even comparable nothing but POSITIVE vibes here. Everyone here is so helpful and friendly that ull rarely see any negativity if not nothing at all. That alone outweighs everything. So yes this site is better in my opinion, but there is always room for improvement :)

Check out the suggestions thread to leave suggestions but honestly the login issue shouldn't happen and it isn't reported by others next time make sure you click "remember me" to see if that helps you


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
nbalive.gg had huge advantage over this site - players database with detailed statistics

That doesn't apply because GG hasn't had 1 since season 1 so what they had didn't matter in the past year but we have TorchBeak's DB for you to use in the meantime


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thanks for the kind words guys we wanted to make a site how we wish GG was the platform takes getting used to as does any site you've never used before but we wanted to be fair mods that won't punish you for little things and won't take out their rage on you I think it's better just because of that no admins running the site but not playing the game and no power hunger and abusive mods


All-Star 3
The Original nbalive.gg has a better platform, color scheme, profile/avatar options, the site is just more polished, this site is making me Login every time i open the website.. That being said the community here is 1000x better than .gg its not even comparable nothing but POSITIVE vibes here. Everyone here is so helpful and friendly that ull rarely see any negativity if not nothing at all. That alone outweighs everything. So yes this site is better in my opinion, but there is always room for improvement :)

Check out the suggestions thread to leave suggestions but honestly the login issue shouldn't happen and it isn't reported by others next time make sure you click "remember me" to see if that helps you

@stewie I have the login issue too.. even with the remember me option.. doesnt affect much so didnt put it on the thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The Original nbalive.gg has a better platform, color scheme, profile/avatar options, the site is just more polished, this site is making me Login every time i open the website.. That being said the community here is 1000x better than .gg its not even comparable nothing but POSITIVE vibes here. Everyone here is so helpful and friendly that ull rarely see any negativity if not nothing at all. That alone outweighs everything. So yes this site is better in my opinion, but there is always room for improvement :)

Check out the suggestions thread to leave suggestions but honestly the login issue shouldn't happen and it isn't reported by others next time make sure you click "remember me" to see if that helps you

@stewie I have the login issue too.. even with the remember me option.. doesnt affect much so didnt put it on the thread

Oh I've heard it happen before and have experienced it a couple times in the several months I've been on here but never enough for it to qualify as an issue in my experience just an anomaly but try clearing your cookies for this site of you can individually if not there should be a menu button at the bottom of the page if you click it there should be an option to delete all board cookies but I'm an admin so that may not be present for you so take that with a grain of salt if neither of those options are possible then just clear all your cookies but no matter which option you (or anyone else with the issues chooses) it will log you out and hopefully fix it


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