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Derrick Rose 86 OVR Trending Card


Rookie 1
Re: Derrick Rose 50pt game card in the store later today

Thanks now time to grind for Kyrie to sell and get this Rose instead

so, is it worth buying D.Rose card, right?

how do you deal with this card if you get this one...are you keeping or selling it?

I would keep but definitely not buying it now because when Kyrie comes out (wether all top 1k gets it or not) then Rozier will change to an 87 and potentially auctionable so both 87s will help lower Rose's price

1?after the halloween boost ends, for those 87 cards, first choice is Kyrie, sencond is DRose and third is Rozier, right?

2) so far, is it a good way to buy DRose card and sell immediately in AH?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Derrick Rose 50pt game card in the store later today

so, is it worth buying D.Rose card, right?

how do you deal with this card if you get this one...are you keeping or selling it?

I would keep but definitely not buying it now because when Kyrie comes out (wether all top 1k gets it or not) then Rozier will change to an 87 and potentially auctionable so both 87s will help lower Rose's price

1?after the halloween boost ends, for those 87 cards, first choice is Kyrie, sencond is DRose and third is Rozier, right?

2) so far, is it a good way to buy DRose card and sell immediately in AH?

1. We don't know Kyrie's stats yet so hard to say

2. Are you asking if it's a good idea to buy now and sell when Kyrie comes out? If that's the case then sure if you want to go ahead


Rookie 1
Re: Derrick Rose 50pt game card in the store later today

I would keep but definitely not buying it now because when Kyrie comes out (wether all top 1k gets it or not) then Rozier will change to an 87 and potentially auctionable so both 87s will help lower Rose's price

1?after the halloween boost ends, for those 87 cards, first choice is Kyrie, sencond is DRose and third is Rozier, right?

2) so far, is it a good way to buy DRose card and sell immediately in AH?

1. We don't know Kyrie's stats yet so hard to say

2. Are you asking if it's a good idea to buy now and sell when Kyrie comes out? If that's the case then sure if you want to go ahead

With regard to Q2, is it a good idea to buy this card and sell it immediately in AH before Kyrie comes out?
Re: Derrick Rose 50pt game card in the store later today

Stewie, is that Kyrie guaranteed for top 1000? Do you happen to have any clarification from Brian regarding the vague top 1000 reward description?

He said he doesn't know because he wasn't part of it but Kyrie is pictured in the rewards screen which is a 1st floor this season because all the other rewards from previous SD seasons used the random card silhouette this one uses Kyrie leading me to be 99% sure he will be given out as the reward for top 1k and if not then just get ahold of them like those that made top 10k but didn't get legend tier

Thanks Stewie.

My concern though on the sd home screen on the very right it says Exclusive Players (in plural) in top 1000 above Kyrie's card and when looking under the sd rewards tab the top 2500 has only the 84 random card silhouette not starting with the 85 one we already got this for top 1000 last sd season. This is why I fear it could be only a chance for Kyrie 87 but a guaranteed 85 fan boost pull for top 1000. As we know from past experience, EA loves to put vague descriptions combined with an eye catching picture on purpose to trick people into believing they get something but than it was just a chance. And of course there is also the changing of rewards couple hours before the end of a sd season.

Brian checked with someone for us and confirmed that Kyrie is for the top 1000.


All-Star 1
Re: Derrick Rose 50pt game card in the store later today

1?after the halloween boost ends, for those 87 cards, first choice is Kyrie, sencond is DRose and third is Rozier, right?

2) so far, is it a good way to buy DRose card and sell immediately in AH?

1. We don't know Kyrie's stats yet so hard to say

2. Are you asking if it's a good idea to buy now and sell when Kyrie comes out? If that's the case then sure if you want to go ahead

With regard to Q2, is it a good idea to buy this card and sell it immediately in AH before Kyrie comes out?
Prices are already dropping for him. I think people are realizing there's not many players willing to drop +1M on an 86 card. The first few people to list him were lucky to get 1.3M BIN's. I haven't followed one until the end, but it seems people are bidding on the ones under 1M now. Felt like a good idea initially because it's one of the best conversion ratios for NBA cash to coins but with nothing really to use the coins for and not knowing what else they may offer down the road, I decided to hold onto my cash in the hopes a better deal happens down the road. Once I get 87 Kyrie, I'll still be within 1 of the highest possible OVR and with new lineups coming out, I'm guessing prices for some cards will actually increase due to higher demand so staying put feels like the smart move for now.


Rookie 1
I saw the card bought at 1.2 mil this morning and bids put up on it over 1 mil, it just depends on who wants the card bad enough. Tbh this is the best card I?ve used this season I don?t know how the Kyrie card could be a whole lot better than this Rose card. I mean 91 outside shooting, 90 mid range, 92 dribbling, 90 contested shot, 89 scoring with contact, etc. The dudes a beast, the stats don?t lie when it comes to gameplay.


Rookie 1
I saw the card bought at 1.2 mil this morning and bids put up on it over 1 mil, it just depends on who wants the card bad enough. Tbh this is the best card I?ve used this season I don?t know how the Kyrie card could be a whole lot better than this Rose card. I mean 91 outside shooting, 90 mid range, 92 dribbling, 90 contested shot, 89 scoring with contact, etc. The dudes a beast, the stats don?t lie when it comes to gameplay.

His AI like most slashing pgs is easy to steal from though.


Rookie 1
I saw the card bought at 1.2 mil this morning and bids put up on it over 1 mil, it just depends on who wants the card bad enough. Tbh this is the best card I?ve used this season I don?t know how the Kyrie card could be a whole lot better than this Rose card. I mean 91 outside shooting, 90 mid range, 92 dribbling, 90 contested shot, 89 scoring with contact, etc. The dudes a beast, the stats don?t lie when it comes to gameplay.

His AI like most slashing pgs is easy to steal from though.

Most pgs are easy to steal from in this game, Kyrie has had a history of being easy to steal from as well. How easy it is to steal from a pg in this game really depends on how difficult a level the AI is playing against you. Every showdown game I?ve played with this Rose card has been a wide margin win so as I said above, his manual gameplay is great. All I can say is try him out for yourself and have some fun bro!


All-Star 3
I saw the card bought at 1.2 mil this morning and bids put up on it over 1 mil, it just depends on who wants the card bad enough. Tbh this is the best card I?ve used this season I don?t know how the Kyrie card could be a whole lot better than this Rose card. I mean 91 outside shooting, 90 mid range, 92 dribbling, 90 contested shot, 89 scoring with contact, etc. The dudes a beast, the stats don?t lie when it comes to gameplay.

His AI like most slashing pgs is easy to steal from though.

+1. He did have a nice layup agst me though
Found Terry to have slightly better ai.. as he shoots really fast which can lead to the dreaded rebound putback..


All-Star 1
Tbh this is the best card I?ve used this season I don?t know how the Kyrie card could be a whole lot better than this Rose card.

It's only "better" because it's "free". No, I'm not trying to start the whole free thing debate again but I think you get what I mean. There's 1.2M reasons to go for Kyrie.


Rookie 1
Each of your reasons is valued at 1 coin. Only the top 1000 showdown players will get Kyrie. Those that aren?t in the top 1000 in showdown will have to buy Kyrie in the ah for what I imagine will be a higher listing price than Rose. That being said the cheaper option for those that aren?t in the top 1000 would be Rose. You can only speak on which card is truly better if you have played with both. I didn?t say the Kyrie card wouldn?t be better than the Rose card I instead said ?I don't know how the Kyrie card COULD BE MUCH BETTER than this Rose card.? I?ve been impressed with this Rose card, he?s been lights out for me.
?I don't know how the Kyrie card COULD BE MUCH BETTER than this Rose card.? I?ve been impressed with this Rose card, he?s been lights out for me.

I may be wrong, but I think he's just saying that in his view the Kyrie card is better for him because he plans to grind for it and sell it in the AH whereas the Rose card can only be found in the AH/store. He's not really talking from performing point of view, I don't think.


All-Star 1
?I don't know how the Kyrie card COULD BE MUCH BETTER than this Rose card.? I?ve been impressed with this Rose card, he?s been lights out for me.

I may be wrong, but I think he's just saying that in his view the Kyrie card is better for him because he plans to grind for it and sell it in the AH whereas the Rose card can only be found in the AH/store. He's not really talking from performing point of view, I don't think.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks.


All-Star 1
Each of your reasons is valued at 1 coin. Only the top 1000 showdown players will get Kyrie.
In my case, achieving Top 1000 is much more palatable than parting with 1.2M coins (or 5k NBA cash). As stated already, I wasn't referring so much to the performance of each card but rather their "obtainability" (particularly for me personally). Even if I wanted the Rose card because it's "better" than the Kyrie card, I would get the Kyrie card first, sell it and use the proceeds to get the Rose card rather than parting with with 5k NBA cash or 1.2M coins to get the Rose card directly.


Rookie 1
I understand the point coming from someone that will be able to get Kyrie from being in the top 1000 in showdown, but I?m talking about the players that are just buying from the ah. When Kyrie first comes out, guys just buying from the ah would be better off buying the Rose who will be cheaper and just as good of an option at pg as the Kyrie card imo. It will be interesting to see Kyries? stats.


All-Star 1
I understand the point coming from someone that will be able to get Kyrie from being in the top 1000 in showdown, but I?m talking about the players that are just buying from the ah. When Kyrie first comes out, guys just buying from the ah would be better off buying the Rose who will be cheaper and just as good of an option at pg as the Kyrie card imo. It will be interesting to see Kyries? stats.
Agree, especially in the first hour after SD ends. Once gameplay reports start coming in that's when it gets interesting. Either way though, I have a hard time valuing ANY 86 card at +1M...especially this season when coins are harder to come by than in season's past. But again, that's just me.


Rookie 1
Well if Kyrie doesn?t work out for u bro then I definitely would recommend the Rose card who would prob be more affordable at that time


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