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Derrick Rose 86 OVR Trending Card


Rookie 1
This Derrick Rose 86 Card is a special card the stats were based on his 50 pts career high game. And this is much better than the Kyrie of even the Scary Terry. I have the Curry 85 too but This D-Rose card is much better than the Curry 85 in terms of 3 points accuracy, speed, and ball handling. I was having second thoughts If i will burn a mill coins for this card but I am not dissapointed, this card is a real deal and a special commemoration of that 50 pts gameplay.

Sadly now the news are out there very rare you would see this card in the auction house. Because this card is really good.


Rookie 1
Its quite senseless of ea though to make Rose's shot 73% which is same as those with outside shooting of 82 and 83.. during halloween boost, leonard's outside shot was 86 which made a 75% shot so i dont get how Rose with a 91 outside shot gets a 73% on the court..


Pro 1
Its quite senseless of ea though to make Rose's shot 73% which is same as those with outside shooting of 82 and 83.. during halloween boost, leonard's outside shot was 86 which made a 75% shot so i dont get how Rose with a 91 outside shot gets a 73% on the court..

The feedback percentage is basically attached to the 3pt stat. it's not the main outside shooting that matters there.

Wilt has 78 OS and you shouldn't shoot 3s with him :D
Its quite senseless of ea though to make Rose's shot 73% which is same as those with outside shooting of 82 and 83.. during halloween boost, leonard's outside shot was 86 which made a 75% shot so i dont get how Rose with a 91 outside shot gets a 73% on the court..

The feedback percentage is basically attached to the 3pt stat. it's not the main outside shooting that matters there.

Wilt has 78 OS and you shouldn't shoot 3s with him :D

Have been auto-playing season mode, and I kid you not Wilt made a 3 and the feedback was "high rating" :lol: :lol: :lol: . AI in SD makes 3's with WIlt sometimes, too lol. Easier for AI to get "perfect release" of course even though the circle is super small for us with Wilt on 3's.

Not proud to admit that the one time I just press advance to next quarter without checking the score my 85 ovr team managed to lose in the playoffs!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :evil: :evil: :evil: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't be a statistic like me, lol. Make sure you're watching the score quarter to quarter, lol. Every previous game had margins of +30 on auto play, but I step away thinking my AI would hold it's own while I made breakfast....FAIL lol.


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