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Daily Beats Revamp/Ultimate and Daily Legends


Rookie 3
Staff member
The old tokens got me Mchale card and I’ve got 37 left so happy with that..


Rookie 2
So is the old token new token thing intentional? Does it mean we should just use it anyway even if we don't need any of those players?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So is the old token new token thing intentional? Does it mean we should just use it anyway even if we don't need any of those players?
I think it's intentional because it would be so cruel to punish even those that saved and didn't get any of the trash legend cards they gave out most the time

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
So is the old token new token thing intentional? Does it mean we should just use it anyway even if we don't need any of those players?
If you dont need them then wait for better players to be released,but i doubt we will get them as they dont follow the OVR curve of the game(104 for now,some guys have already 105 ovr)...doubt anyone anymore need legend and flashbacks as they are 99-100 ovr...but if you need anyone of tem feel free to complete the set,but have in mind that you need to complete 10 sets to get that nash 105 ovr or whoever is going to come after him...and yes you can use old elites tokens in legend sets,doesnt matter we got new ones...GL


Rookie 2
I think it's intentional because it would be so cruel to punish even those that saved and didn't get any of the trash legend cards they gave out most the time

Yea. I was just hoping its a mistake to divide into 2 type of tokens. Or its intentional that old tokens for those specific legends only. And new token for the other half.
And all future legend will be new token.
And wondering of I continue to save it will be useful for future legends (if any, as Steve Rogers pointed that it's already too far from curve)


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