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Daily Beats Revamp/Ultimate and Daily Legends


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Sorry there was an issue with the picture upload so I had to take the thread down till I could find out what it was... I forgot to add a suffix to the URLs

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
So if i got it right we need to complete 15 ultimate legends sets for nash?and if no upgraded ovr on flashbacks and elevate players then is the same everything,just that we got everyday tokens instead of weekly(flashbacks) and every second day for elevate... :/


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So if i got it right we need to complete 15 ultimate legends sets for nash?and if no upgraded ovr on flashbacks and elevate players then is the same everything,just that we got everyday tokens instead of weekly(flashbacks) and every second day for elevate... :/
No you only need to complete 10 legend sets you can buy any elite or platinum legend in the UL sets but yeah as of yet no update on flashback or elevate players but that will surely come within the next week
Regardless of stats, they've done a great job with the Legends choices this season. Tree Rollins, Rudy T, Sleepy Floyd, and McHale. I can respect that.


All-Star 1
Sweet! After seeing this i fooled around & was able to max out Whiteside by using my 93 Hayward. He's great!


Rookie 2
Correct me if I miss anything.
Some legends can be completed using old legend elites. New legends. Would be using daily elites.
However. 45 tokens for 1 legend is a lot. So it will take us 45 days to get one. Nash is impossible already


All-Star 1
Correct me if I miss anything.
Some legends can be completed using old legend elites. New legends. Would be using daily elites.
However. 45 tokens for 1 legend is a lot. So it will take us 45 days to get one. Nash is impossible already
I think something is screwy bc I can use the tokens I have/already had on new legends but old one like Spud, my tokens don't show as available to use...


All-Star 1
As it stands, Legends looks like garbage until higher OVR come out and Nash isn't doable at this point.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Guys what will happen on our gold legend tokens can we exchange it?
As of now no you can't exchange them I always exchanged them right away so I never stocked up in them I'm surprised people would actually rather have 100 gold tokens over 20 elite ones when the only use for the gold ones was to get elite ones but somehow some people ended up with a bunch if gold ones left over


All-Star 1
As of now no you can't exchange them I always exchanged them right away so I never stocked up in them I'm surprised people would actually rather have 100 gold tokens over 20 elite ones when the only use for the gold ones was to get elite ones but somehow some people ended up with a bunch if gold ones left over
Well, I had less than 5 for the set so there’s those 4 but the bigger killer is those 20 packs of Legend tokens as well as the 20/20 Legend/Elevate gold token packs we got. I didn’t open them because of inventory concerns and forgot about them until I was cleaning up my inventory today by opening Elevate packs. Turns out I’ve got 100 more. They need to bring back the set for this since they’re allowing the wildcard tokens in “some” of the new sets. Complete oversight...shocking, not really.


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