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Daily Beats Finale Masters


Rookie 3
im personally a few wks away from making a selection.. as nice as the stats are.. a little disappointed that the boosts are only to themselves really


Pro 2
They took away the cash buyout option for the flashback sets. At least on iOS devices. I was going to claim a Flashback player today and get the last token I needed to bet 110 Magic. Those sons of bitches.

Can anyone confirm if the buyout is available with 4 tokens on Android? If it’s still there I might have someone with Android log into my account and claim the FB players and finals token.


Pro 2
never mind. . League mate confirmed its disabled on android too. Why would they turn off something that makes them money????


Pro 2
I’ve been told they put a 2 week cool down on these sets. If that’s true it wasn’t there yesterday - I claimed 3 FB players yesterday.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I’ve been told they put a 2 week cool down on these sets. If that’s true it wasn’t there yesterday - I claimed 3 FB players yesterday.
It was there yesterday you must have done it before the update
never mind. . League mate confirmed its disabled on android too. Why would they turn off something that makes them money????
I think Brian got butt hurt about all the negativity towards his beloved Bulls promo that his going through a revenge phase lol.


All-Star 3
I think Ill be short one from finishing the set (got 3 now)..
Have legend tokens for one more
Need 35 tokens to do the fb set.
I think I'm right in assuming the gotw set is impossible to do if u dont have stored tokens..


Pro 2
I think Ill be short one from finishing the set (got 3 now)..
Have legend tokens for one more
Need 35 tokens to do the fb set.
I think I'm right in assuming the gotw set is impossible to do if u dont have stored tokens..

Well guess what? They added a two week “cool down on GOTW, Legends, and FB sets with yesterday’s second update. So it isn’t the buy out they did away with, it’s the bloody cool down. I was ready to claim 110 Magic today. Now I have to wait 2 weeks.

I’d have to say Juke is probably right. That little hyper-sensitive geek. (EA Brian, not Juke). Today was supposed to be my day to go 110 ovr.


Rookie 1
Does anyone have the primary stats on Shaq and Harden? One token to go and I can get one.

Any feedback on their play as I have heard Magic is fire but haven't heard anything on these two?


Pro 2
I played against Harden ai 3 times today and except for one clutch 3, it was like he wasn’t even there. Might be a fluke tho.


Pro 1
If I could get him I’d take him in a minute. I’m sure his manual play is fine. Just hardly noticed he was there the 3 times I played him. Maybe because ai seems so focused on pg and center doing everything
Yeah, I don’t ever recall of any SG AI giving me trouble except that Jerry West who plays like prime MJ.


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