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**cough cough** nba 2k mobile launched on ios....


All-Star 1
I don't have a drive button only pass and shoot. I keep tapping where I think a drive button should be.

You should have everything but the joystick in auto. Makes it much easier to score that?s for sure. Also, switching your lineup to get the green matchup advantage seems to be more important than using the highest power rated players.


Rookie 2
I?m not a big fan of the gameplay yet. Too herky jerky for me. The players feel like they have ice skates on and I find them very difficult to control. Having said that, clearly they?ve prioritized lifelike game play above all else. Graphics are amazing for a mobile game and the multi camera views are a nice change of pace. Shooting is too complicated though - still can?t get an A in the shooting drill with JR trained to 585 and a wristband. As anatdoc mentioned, it?s a nice distraction while my stamina accumulates in nbalm.

I am playing 2k19 with Giannis on cover and the gameplay on Android is just very hard to master. After a few days, slowly doing better....but its very slow.

Mastering the perimeter shot is also hard, and playing "my career" side of the game is just urgh. But somehow just as addictive. :?


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