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**cough cough** nba 2k mobile launched on ios....


Rookie 3
i will address the black cat in the room.. league team mates have d/l'ed overnight on ios the new free nba 2k mobile....
from s/shots... looks similar.. but the graphics look betterer..
any1 else tried?
I've been playing it since the soft launch. Gameplay is extremely frustrating especially when your used the simple gameplay we have in NBALM, but the graphics are awesome. Plus the gameplay physics is more realistic.
I've been messing around it while I wait for my stamina to refill. The gameplay is better than NBALM but there isn't much content and I don't think much of the card art or the overall design.
I've been messing around it while I wait for my stamina to refill. The gameplay is better than NBALM but there isn't much content and I don't think much of the card art or the overall design.
If I could take the gameplay mechanics of 2k and merge it with the content and Art of nbalm then that would be the perfect mobile basketball game for me.


Rookie 1
I wanted to give it a shot but apparently it won't run on my iPhone 6. Guess I'll stick to NBALM.


Pro 1
Gameplay is very VERY strange. I guess one might get used to it, but for now... meh

Graphics are even better than NBALM.

No AH or anything similar (so far at least) which means the game feels like going through the motions planned by 2k, with the player having little to no say on what goes on.

... unless EA screws up really bad (and, right now, it seems to me they?re getting back on the right track and trying extra-hard to please all types of players) I?ll stick with NBALM.


Rookie 2
No Auction House...
This means that team building is limited to packs opening...

Game play & Graphics are much better!


All-Star 1
I?m not a big fan of the gameplay yet. Too herky jerky for me. The players feel like they have ice skates on and I find them very difficult to control. Having said that, clearly they?ve prioritized lifelike game play above all else. Graphics are amazing for a mobile game and the multi camera views are a nice change of pace. Shooting is too complicated though - still can?t get an A in the shooting drill with JR trained to 585 and a wristband. As anatdoc mentioned, it?s a nice distraction while my stamina accumulates in nbalm.


Rookie 1
I like the graphics but game play is indeed crappy. Hard to control players and really hard to score. It needs some improvements. But it has potential, the graphics are really good. Players don?t all look alike. They took the time to make sure the players look like players.

Drills are kinda fun. A little different.

I give it a few more updates.


All-Star 1
I have started playing better. I had to switch back to the broadcast view though. I was hopeless with the low angle.

Yeah, same here. I think I?ve also found a bug with auto mode. For some reason on rebounds when you hit the drive button it shoots instead. I?ve had quite a few full court heaves...


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