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Cosmic lineup question


Rookie 3

I upgraded everyone possible before I run out of stamina the lowest player is 71 the highest 73 however the cosmic lineup is still 66 is the bench being taken into effect? if so do I have to add all 10 players together and divided by 10 to see what the bench brings down to training players topside and can the bench player be completely removed as to not have a bench?


All-Star 3
View attachment 1681

I upgraded everyone possible before I run out of stamina the lowest player is 71 the highest 73 however the cosmic lineup is still 66 is the bench being taken into effect? if so do I have to add all 10 players together and divided by 10 to see what the bench brings down to training players topside and can the bench player be completely removed as to not have a bench?
ull have to train the bench too.. i guess


Rookie 2
Just train all of the players 1 at a time until you get packs with new players to train
thank man.
I was wondering if that would not 'waste' training tokens and there might be a better way to optimize it.
Back in holidays campaign there were very distinct paths to get the higher overall.
I'll guess we'll find out...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
thank man.
I was wondering if that would not 'waste' training tokens and there might be a better way to optimize it.
Back in holidays campaign there were very distinct paths to get the higher overall.
I'll guess we'll find out...
Well what you need to do is train a certain amount of levels in order to unlock new cards it tells you on the constellation overview map


All-Star 3
Not necessarily max out you need to train 50 levels
ya it came up to that.. only when i maxed out that many players i got the pack.. otherwise if it was only 50 levels then i should have got the pack after i maxed out just the staring 5...


Rookie 3
So I shouldn't be training all of them only the rent and Paul George? That will still get me to the next pack


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
i had to train 9 of them.. if someone else had to do less hope they post here
It's a big it's supposed to unlock after 50 levels but it's not you're supposed to get it when you "unlock" a constellation but you actually unlock them when you reach a certain overall


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