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Coach boosts


All-Star 1
Did it say 30th last week?
They added 1 extra week. Someone noticed that 1999 cash for only 1 week boost was a total scam lmao

There's a Thibodeau on my AH with a start bid of 432K and 500K bin. I guess Its maybe worth it but it's only 3 days of boost. I wouldn't touch it if I had 500K though.
Not for an 80 or 81. I'm laying off SD this week and just playing for daily bonus now in hopes the rewards increase next week. Otherwise, I'll just grind Next Gen and Elevate since the rewards are much better.
They added 1 extra week. Someone noticed that 1999 cash for only 1 week boost was a total scam lmao

There's a Thibodeau on my AH with a start bid of 432K and 500K bin. I guess Its maybe worth it but it's only 3 days of boost. I wouldn't touch it if I had 500K though.
Not for an 80 or 81. I'm laying off SD this week and just playing for daily bonus now in hopes the rewards increase next week. Otherwise, I'll just grind Next Gen and Elevate since the rewards are much better.

I hear you 100% here. The rewards are so off, that you actually got a better reward for reaching certain tiers than the end of the season reward. I was going to sit this one out, but I just want to get to Legend just once, for now. I figure if I can get 220K fans a day I have it but I worry about hitting a brick wall where I consistently lose 8 out of 10 games days 6-7 lol.


All-Star 1
There's a Thibodeau on my AH with a start bid of 432K and 500K bin. I guess Its maybe worth it but it's only 3 days of boost. I wouldn't touch it if I had 500K though.
Not for an 80 or 81. I'm laying off SD this week and just playing for daily bonus now in hopes the rewards increase next week. Otherwise, I'll just grind Next Gen and Elevate since the rewards are much better.

I hear you 100% here. The rewards are so off, that you actually got a better reward for reaching certain tiers than the end of the season reward. I was going to sit this one out, but I just want to get to Legend just once, for now. I figure if I can get 220K fans a day I have it but I worry about hitting a brick wall where I consistently lose 8 out of 10 games days 6-7 lol.
The other thing I'm doing is waiting to play until the end of the tourney. More likely than not, I'll face weaker competition which means fewer matches to achieve the same number of fans. I've already seen a huge difference getting to All-Star I playing a couple matches a day vs. rushing on the first day of the tourney only to lose half of my matches to +81 OVR's.
Not for an 80 or 81. I'm laying off SD this week and just playing for daily bonus now in hopes the rewards increase next week. Otherwise, I'll just grind Next Gen and Elevate since the rewards are much better.

I hear you 100% here. The rewards are so off, that you actually got a better reward for reaching certain tiers than the end of the season reward. I was going to sit this one out, but I just want to get to Legend just once, for now. I figure if I can get 220K fans a day I have it but I worry about hitting a brick wall where I consistently lose 8 out of 10 games days 6-7 lol.
The other thing I'm doing is waiting to play until the end of the tourney. More likely than not, I'll face weaker competition which means fewer matches to achieve the same number of fans. I've already seen a huge difference getting to All-Star I playing a couple matches a day vs. rushing on the first day of the tourney only to lose half of my matches to +81 OVR's.

I've noticed that it helps to take longer periods of time between matches. Last week I'd play and play and play, and even exhaust the ADs as much as humanly possible (i wasn't gonna spend money for a refill and not reach legend). This week, I've watched maybe 5 ads in the 4 day period. I've just been sticking with the goal of 220K a day. Once I reach the goal for the day, I still play, but I try to put at least an hour or two between batches of matches. I've been able to get ahead of schedule and it looks promising, but I think I said the same thing a week ago :lol: :lol: :lol:


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
FYI, Thibodeau max steal boost decreased to +4 and max fan boost decreased to 8% iirc. Both garbage.

The stat boost must be a mistake because all other elite coaches have +7 so they shaved a stage off of both the stat and reward boosts


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