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Coach boosts


Rookie 1
Hi, could you please advise on the elite coach boost levels, including base elite coach boost and decreased weekly coach (ie quin sneider in its current state).

As for the current weeks coach ( tom thibodeau) its 1 player +3 steal, 5 players +7 steal. 75 bench ovr 15% fan boost, 80 bench ovr, 25% fan boost.



All-Star 1
Speaking of which, anyone else pissed they used Thibs again? No way I was buying him for a 1 week tourney and now I?m wondering how long his bonus will be active? Guessing 2 weeks or 2 tourneys as that duration matches Quin Snyder from the first tourney.
Walton boost was enough to push my OVR to 80, but no players actual OVR was altered lol. I didn't even know that could happen until I swapped in Dantoni and was so confused how I dropped to 79 again. Like you said Betaman, sometimes 795 points isn't enough


All-Star 1
I wanted to use Dantoni for SD boost and I need 797 pts to hit 80 OVR! Wt actual f is that? I had 3-80s, 3-81s, a 79 & 3-78s and it wouldn't round up so I had to buy a 79 to replace on of my golds
Elite coaches usually give a boost of 3 or 7, with 7 being you have 5 players matched. If your auction house has a Snyder elite, you can put in those search parameters and click the card, click the picture to see more details, and it will tell you his boost is scoring with contact and coins based on bench OVR. Not a,bad boost to have if you drive the lane for layups often.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Any info on the actual boost figures of Sneider and base elit coaches?

The stat boosts stages as well as how many stat points they award are the same amongst all elite coaches as for the fan boost the expired SD coach (I'm pretty sure) gets knocked down a stage so it makes out at 15%


Rookie 2
Just to make sure. If I buy Tom thibideau now. Next week it will still have the steal boost right? Only the fan boost will be gone.
(Similar to other expired like Snyder)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Just to make sure. If I buy Tom thibideau now. Next week it will still have the steal boost right? Only the fan boost will be gone.
(Similar to other expired like Snyder)

The fan boost will remain it just won't be as good but the steal boost won't be touched


Rookie 1


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