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Classic lineup doubt


Rookie 1
Here is my classic lineup. I have 7 M coins and I wonder which player I could buy to increase my overall.


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Rookie 1
Your whole bench. You can pick up platinums like 95-97 for under 2m each. Also I cant believe you have that Magic and not maxed him out on your starting lineup. Use those bench cards once you replace them with higher ovr cards and train Magic.


Rookie 1
I bought 95 UL Barry and Russell for 1,7 m each but now I think it was a mistake, I should go for 96 Bird instead :(


Rookie 1
I bought 95 UL Barry and Russell for 1,7 m each but now I think it was a mistake, I should go for 96 Bird instead :(

Nah dont get 96 Bird he cant run fast, keep Hayward in your lineup. Get a cheap sg and pf so you can use Battier and Love to train Magic. You can get cheap platinums if you bid on them.


Rookie 1
Nah dont get 96 Bird he cant run fast, keep Hayward in your lineup. Get a cheap sg and pf so you can use Battier and Love to train Magic. You can get cheap platinums if you bid on them.

I have 95 Schrempf but with him my ovr wasn't higher so I put Love for boosts but I will do as you say since ovr is so important.


All-Star 1
Do the math before you buy a card otherwise you might waste money on a card that doesn't increase your OVR.

Can you confirm the math for team OVR? Is it starting lineup truncated + bench lineup truncated divided by 2 = Team OVR rounded? By truncated I mean the decimals are dropped off and rounded up is 0.5 or higher goes to the next whole number. I?ve tried calculating a couple different ways (eg sum all 10 players divided by 10 and round normal) and it doesn?t always work so looking for confirmation.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Do the math before you buy a card otherwise you might waste money on a card that doesn't increase your OVR.

Can you confirm the math for team OVR? Is it starting lineup truncated + bench lineup truncated divided by 2 = Team OVR rounded? By truncated I mean the decimals are dropped off and rounded up is 0.5 or higher goes to the next whole number. I?ve tried calculating a couple different ways (eg sum all 10 players divided by 10 and round normal) and it doesn?t always work so looking for confirmation.

The math is pretty consistent by just adding all 10 overalls and dividing by 10


All-Star 1
Do the math before you buy a card otherwise you might waste money on a card that doesn't increase your OVR.

Can you confirm the math for team OVR? Is it starting lineup truncated + bench lineup truncated divided by 2 = Team OVR rounded? By truncated I mean the decimals are dropped off and rounded up is 0.5 or higher goes to the next whole number. I?ve tried calculating a couple different ways (eg sum all 10 players divided by 10 and round normal) and it doesn?t always work so looking for confirmation.

The math is pretty consistent by just adding all 10 overalls and dividing by 10
So is a 98.4 a 98 and a 98.5 a 99?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Can you confirm the math for team OVR? Is it starting lineup truncated + bench lineup truncated divided by 2 = Team OVR rounded? By truncated I mean the decimals are dropped off and rounded up is 0.5 or higher goes to the next whole number. I?ve tried calculating a couple different ways (eg sum all 10 players divided by 10 and round normal) and it doesn?t always work so looking for confirmation.

The math is pretty consistent by just adding all 10 overalls and dividing by 10
So is a 98.4 a 98 and a 98.5 a 99?

Yes 99% of the time
I usually calculate the OVR of my starting lineup and my bench separately and then find the average.

I have a weird situation at the moment where I switch from a 96 to a 97 depending on whether I use 91 OVR Oladipo or 91 OVR Korver. The difference should be 96.3 vs. 96.4 but for some reason they round me up to a 97 when I use Oladipo.


Rookie 2
I usually calculate the OVR of my starting lineup and my bench separately and then find the average.

I have a weird situation at the moment where I switch from a 96 to a 97 depending on whether I use 91 OVR Oladipo or 91 OVR Korver. The difference should be 96.3 vs. 96.4 but for some reason they round me up to a 97 when I use Oladipo.

Oladipo has two +3 boosts. Might be that reason, assuming you're talking about the new year's Clockstopper version.
Also, boosts have different effect on different positions, so it's not easy to calculate how much it changes overalls.


Rookie 1
Well there's always gonna be a time where it doesn't but which is why I said 99% of the time but it's clear that your 985 total is being faked somehow inside the game meaning you're probably really a 984 total


here is my lineup, 976 and still 97


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Well there's always gonna be a time where it doesn't but which is why I said 99% of the time but it's clear that your 985 total is being faked somehow inside the game meaning you're probably really a 984 total


here is my lineup, 976 and still 97

Well it's not perfect but it does work almost every time I've used the same formula all year and it hasn't spurned me yet but I know it has for others


All-Star 1
Well there's always gonna be a time where it doesn't but which is why I said 99% of the time but it's clear that your 985 total is being faked somehow inside the game meaning you're probably really a 984 total


here is my lineup, 976 and still 97

Well it's not perfect but it does work almost every time I've used the same formula all year and it hasn't spurned me yet but I know it has for others
This one is even more peculiar because both his starters and bench add up to 488 or 97.6 avg. I think like you said, there's something behind the scenes with the boosts that makes it look like your OVR is higher than the system is calculating. Or the other possibility is just like in SD when there's a tie, the system truncates your shooting percentage vs. rounding.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief

here is my lineup, 976 and still 97

Well it's not perfect but it does work almost every time I've used the same formula all year and it hasn't spurned me yet but I know it has for others
This one is even more peculiar because both his starters and bench add up to 488 or 97.6 avg. I think like you said, there's something behind the scenes with the boosts that makes it look like your OVR is higher than the system is calculating. Or the other possibility is just like in SD when there's a tie, the system truncates your shooting percentage vs. rounding.

Yeah unfortunately like with most things we'll never get an actual answer from EA so it has to remain just speculation


Rookie 1
If you can, put high OVR players (max trained) with boost on your bench. The bench boost impacts your team OVR in addition to your individual player stats. Older ultimate legends (Ray Allen, Steve Nash, Grant Hill, Earl Monroe, Patrick Ewing, Scottie Pippen, Dirk (Ray Allen set piece)) would all be good options because they are cheap to train and will improve your team while also increasing your OVR. With patience and luck, you can build these players for less than 2 million each during the weekend UL events. I would target the C position first, and try to complete the Grant Hill set since you have the most expensive piece already.

Also, it looks like you've already trained Magic? (He's the round-of-4 version, not the final.)


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