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Christmas magic dilemna


All-Star 3
Got the snowpass twice and have 90 magic. Have 10/50 for the 91. Wont get another pass.. is it worth grinding the objectives rt now?
Pass expires in 45hrs.
Rt now 35 flakes per day is what u get. +30 of the snowpass.
Need another 800 for the 91.. if the promo ends on 5th jan i still wont get 800 unless the gifts/coal come into the picture..
Silly objectives like 10 next gen events make me reconsider..
Any suggestions?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
As of now no harm in doing them but there is harm in not doing them and having it bite you in the ass later if you fall short of the 91 after all the presents are opened or special boosters are given for Christmas etc.


Rookie 1
Tbh I stopped doing the Magic promo last week when the NP Christmas masters promo part started. I guess everyone spends their stamina on what they want, you can?t grind the Magic promo and NP promo at the same time.


Rookie 2
90 Magic is playing very well for me.
I think 91 will be worth it.
NP promo is very costly from coins & stamina while the masters are only 90.
Better cards will be presented soon I think


All-Star 3
Tbh I stopped doing the Magic promo last week when the NP Christmas masters promo part started. I guess everyone spends their stamina on what they want, you can?t grind the Magic promo and NP promo at the same time.
I am doing both. Got 90 magic and 90 KG.. should get another master in 2 days i guess.


Rookie 1
Jeez... well done! You f2p? I?m near to the first master and literally all my stamina and level ups and ads are going on it!


Rookie 3
Staff member
Tbh I stopped doing the Magic promo last week when the NP Christmas masters promo part started. I guess everyone spends their stamina on what they want, you can?t grind the Magic promo and NP promo at the same time.
I am doing both. Got 90 magic and 90 KG.. should get another master in 2 days i guess.

My goal also, 15 away from Magic and climbing to 90 KG slowly..


Rookie 3
also (slightly reluctantly) collecting snow flakes but keeping them unopened @ this stage till we see what comes on NYE or NYD..

20k TP till 2nd master.... :)


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