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Christmas cards


All-Star 3
Pulled embiid
Stats of lebron /curry


  • 20181226_093311.jpg
    186.8 KB · Views: 1,072
  • 20181226_093405.jpg
    190.1 KB · Views: 1,083
Pulled 89 Embiid too. My Impact Cauley Stein is down to 83 tomorrow so not bad at all.

Pulled Harden this morning in the 3k cash pack.


Rookie 1
Had no luck in presents. Spent my 3k earned cash to get more presents, nothing lol. but this free 88+ pack, ill take it

I pulled Kyrie, who I wanted, and McCollum, who I didn't really need.

I've already had more fun with Kyrie in 3 games than I did with Magic Johnson the entire time I used him. Magic is sitting on the bench where he belongs. I'm running with McCollum for the heck of it since he has okay outside shooting.


All-Star 3
I pulled Kyrie, who I wanted, and McCollum, who I didn't really need.

I've already had more fun with Kyrie in 3 games than I did with Magic Johnson the entire time I used him. Magic is sitting on the bench where he belongs. I'm running with McCollum for the heck of it since he has okay outside shooting.

Can u put up a screen shot of kyrie?


Rookie 3
Staff member
I pulled Kyrie, who I wanted, and McCollum, who I didn't really need.

I've already had more fun with Kyrie in 3 games than I did with Magic Johnson the entire time I used him. Magic is sitting on the bench where he belongs. I'm running with McCollum for the heck of it since he has okay outside shooting.

I pulled Kyrie too.

I only tested him in a couple of SD games, I found Magic @ 91 boosted, a lot more than effective in steals and 3?s

How many games have you played with him?


All-Star 1
I pulled Kyrie, who I wanted, and McCollum, who I didn't really need.

I've already had more fun with Kyrie in 3 games than I did with Magic Johnson the entire time I used him. Magic is sitting on the bench where he belongs. I'm running with McCollum for the heck of it since he has okay outside shooting.
:shock: :shock: :shock:


Rookie 1
I pulled Kyrie, who I wanted, and McCollum, who I didn't really need.

I've already had more fun with Kyrie in 3 games than I did with Magic Johnson the entire time I used him. Magic is sitting on the bench where he belongs. I'm running with McCollum for the heck of it since he has okay outside shooting.

I pulled Kyrie too.

I only tested him in a couple of SD games, I found Magic @ 91 boosted, a lot more than effective in steals and 3?s

How many games have you played with him?

Magic card is soooooooo hard to defend even the 90OVR card.


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