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Chadaya’s line up


All-Star 1
Amazing lineup man I'm jealous of that Kyrie I was planning on getting the 93 and training it but that's not possible yet and I don't really feel like spending that much on a card I won't train

Thanks stewie! Yeah pretty dumb on EA?s part to make the lower OVR version untrainable. What?s the point in having that feature this season but not making all the cards trainable.

They made a lot of changes that they decided to go back on throughout different parts of the season without any prior notice for the players

I still think there?s a small chance they could make these 93 and lower cards trainable after promo ends.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thanks stewie! Yeah pretty dumb on EA?s part to make the lower OVR version untrainable. What?s the point in having that feature this season but not making all the cards trainable.

They made a lot of changes that they decided to go back on throughout different parts of the season without any prior notice for the players

I still think there?s a small chance they could make these 93 and lower cards trainable after promo ends.

I think so too


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