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Chadaya’s line up


Rookie 2
how is it possible to get this

Before the AH was shaken up I was able to accumulate 190Mil in coins by selling 91 BB Simmons for 90 Mil when he came out. Also Classic 91 AI with clutch I think sold him for 30 mil. I also got lucky early in S2 and pulled 90 Klay TOTW and insta sold him for 99Mil. And other lucky pulls as well.

So am using those coins now to create this lineup. Have around 44Mil left. Looking to upgrade Howard to Plat Embiid if he is any good when he comes out.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Amazing lineup man I'm jealous of that Kyrie I was planning on getting the 93 and training it but that's not possible yet and I don't really feel like spending that much on a card I won't train


Rookie 2
Amazing lineup man I'm jealous of that Kyrie I was planning on getting the 93 and training it but that's not possible yet and I don't really feel like spending that much on a card I won't train

Thanks stewie! Yeah pretty dumb on EA?s part to make the lower OVR version untrainable. What?s the point in having that feature this season but not making all the cards trainable.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Amazing lineup man I'm jealous of that Kyrie I was planning on getting the 93 and training it but that's not possible yet and I don't really feel like spending that much on a card I won't train

Thanks stewie! Yeah pretty dumb on EA?s part to make the lower OVR version untrainable. What?s the point in having that feature this season but not making all the cards trainable.

They made a lot of changes that they decided to go back on throughout different parts of the season without any prior notice for the players


Rookie 3
Staff member
That's a nice line-up man.

Wish I was around during the old days of 90m sales..

I started playing mid-late January.


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