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Certified Tokens


Rookie 3
Staff member
So, the recent buzz...

How many are you guys sitting on at the moment?

21 for me...


Rookie 3
Staff member
I got tokens from it once.. tried a few more times and failed the shot... then Stewie told me it only pays out once haha... waste of Stamina..

Playing the 20 stamina event now for the 1 token...

Can autoplay 9/10 times...


Rookie 3
Got 142 in my alt account. I am playing the 100 stamina event and hopefully get a certified player within the next 2 weeks.


Rookie 1
im 111 so far since im grinding for the FF tokens to get 90+ OVR players which required also for the Certified players


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I got tokens from it once.. tried a few more times and failed the shot... then Stewie told me it only pays out once haha... waste of Stamina..

Playing the 20 stamina event now for the 1 token...

Can autoplay 9/10 times...

Yeah mistake based on last week when I could've sworn it was single play so I've been playing the 20 stamina events for 1/2 the tokens in the same amount of stamina smfh


All-Star 1
I?m sitting on 170...oh yeah and 5 fing Rahim tokens for being an idiot trying to manage my inventory. Didn?t even think about the open later option. Anyway, it?s just stupid these tokens are player specific. Somebody ping Josh and tell him to get this fixed pronto...haha


Rookie 2
Currently with 162 tokens. The half-court event ain't so bad, only force closed once in total.


Rookie 1
330 tokens here. With a couple of stamina rebuys I should be able to make that Lillard card today - and then hope that EA doesn?t go back to changing the showdown bonus mid-way through again!!


All-Star 1
Just picked up Lillard after re-upping stamina a couple times. Fan bonuses is nice. 23,588 fans from my first win. Haha, bumped me from rank 510 up to 399 in one shot.


Rookie 3
im leaving packs unopened and storing them, 220 not even trying this week, should get next wks if its stella, if not, will wait another wk
gotta love a free 102ovr playa


Rookie 1
I grinded the event out over the last two weeks, and after spending bit of the stamina I earned over the season, I managed to build 101 Lillard. I'm going to use him for the rest of the week, and then think about selling him.


All-Star 1
I was enjoying the SD boost w Lillard & then I saw one on AH1 w a 22 mil bid on it. So I put mine up & wound selling it on BIN for 25 mil. Couldn't resist making that much coin off a free card. I can still get top 500 in SD if I grind it out so it wasn't worth keeping Dame when I could get that much. Plus he wasnt gonna start over my Nightmare Magic or replace NY Curry on the bench so I woulda sold him eventually.

I like this new program. Def gonna grind tokens to get one more player out if it


Rookie 3
Staff member
The right choice I think dub.. he will be relatively worthless after the SD bonus ends..

I?m hoping for a classic too.. my line up needs the love...

I?m without boost at about rank 550 at the moment


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