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Brian, Please Help Us With The Auction House!


Rookie 2
Remember back when I said this was the best season??? Stewie??? Well... I may have been wrong.

This year is better than last year hands down. I definitely have enjoyed it and do enjoy a lot of the features. Despite a few of the early promos being botched, I think the game play, grindable promos, changeable bonus packs and cool graphic/cards, make this a very enjoyable season.

BUT, THERE IS STILL 1 MAJOR PROBLEM that we did not have in season 1. The auction house.

The price caps really kill you if you hit a big card. There is no way that if you are lucky enough to get a monster card you shouldn't be able to clean up in a big once per season or less sale.

More importantly, the same players being in the auction house are redundant. Everyone has the same players! :evil: Why can't I sell a winter Mirtotic? Is EA losing money by him sitting on my bench? No. It's just a waste. I spend saved NBA Cash on a pack that gave me 89 Kevin Love winter. Why can't I sell him...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That's the ppint I tried to get across lol they're way too concerned how the AH sales affects their profits which is why they sale real cash packs/bundles with coin bonuses because they know what they're doing with the AH is harmful to some people and threatening toake it more harmful because of people exploiting loopholes they allow to happen with their shitty AH bot so it's our fault when it happens Brian himself threatened to turn the AH back to what it was at the beginning of the season which was a nightmare because it was almost impossible to sell any elite players to the bot


All-Star 3
Feel part of their gameplan has been to release a new promo before the previous one ends to drive down the prices of the masters ..
I still dont mind it.. as i hated the AH when the players were too overpriced.. if i have to sell the masters of one to finance the next one.. its ok
Feel part of their gameplan has been to release a new promo before the previous one ends to drive down the prices of the masters ..
I still dont mind it.. as i hated the AH when the players were too overpriced.. if i have to sell the masters of one to finance the next one.. its ok
I actually prefer it this way as well. Content has been grindable (with ads), & I really don't mind my coins staying stagnant as I've been able to add 93-94s to the team just by grinding. I feel like this is the way the game is supposed to be.


Rookie 3
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.


All-Star 3
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.



Rookie 3
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.



Rookie 2
Totally agree with everyone that selling a Ben Simmons with buzzer beater for 90 million didn't help anythign either. But capping stuff at 3 mil is like having a salary cap in a sport where we didn't negotiate for the benefits on our side.

Furthermore, it's boring to see the same lineups and minimal player options at each position.

It benefits both EA and us through ad revenue to have more people playing this game and logging in for longer. If we can grind and come close to fun cards people may spend some money on packs with real cash. The P2P players are already spending what they will spend and the F2P are already saying they will never pay. So it's up top the best game play on whether people stay, play, and enjoy the game thus making EA money through ads.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Supposedly the caps are "being reviewed" and could be changed today to allow for more breathing room since all 90+ cards pretty much have the exact same cap price it was inevitable since they can't force all cards to be under 3.5 mil on the AH and under 3 mil to sell to the bot let's just hope they don't **** anything up when they do it
The caps will be changed, but there is no timetable for now.

And I do not agree that everyone has the same lineup. Today I played 5 SD games and I faced one guy with a lineup full of ghost players, other with NP players, other with some Fireworks/Resolution players....Some people play with PG Curry, others with Magic, others with Penny....

There is a lot of variety compared to past months.


Rookie 1
The caps will be changed, but there is no timetable for now.

And I do not agree that everyone has the same lineup. Today I played 5 SD games and I faced one guy with a lineup full of ghost players, other with NP players, other with some Fireworks/Resolution players....Some people play with SG Curry, others with Magic, others with Penny....

There is a lot of variety compared to past months.

And yet you'll be defeated by lower ovr team with not so good players. I scored 19-4(90ovr) then my opponents ai scored 6-22(87ovr). :x


Rookie 3
Staff member
Supposedly the caps are "being reviewed" and could be changed today to allow for more breathing room since all 90+ cards pretty much have the exact same cap price it was inevitable since they can't force all cards to be under 3.5 mil on the AH and under 3 mil to sell to the bot let's just hope they don't **** anything up when they do it

Hopefully this happens and they get it right!


All-Star 3
Any one notice any changes on the AH?
People in reddit were saying their resolution elites werent selling. I sold a 83 and a 88 in the first hour after maintenance but after that i havent posted any since.
I sold a 91 larry and a 91 curry.
Couldnt sell a 89 embiid for with multiple bid/buy variations. Then noticed that the ones in the AH all have bid 190-195k so was wondering...


Rookie 1
I sold an 89 tatum pretty quick but my main problem is trying to buy golds, they just disappear within a second of going up


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Stewie where do you go for the most recent updates, twitter? Brian's page, Ea? thx

Unfortunately due to Brian preferring to use Josh's discord that is the fastest place to get the news but it's unorganized and can be lost very easily so you have to be very active to catch it all or you can just stay here and have others do the work for you lol


Pro 1
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.


Not being able to sell cards like ghost KD for it?s real worth (4-5M?) is not good. But since the point of this game is too have the best cards and not the most coin, selling a ghost KD for ~3M allowing you to get any other top card, sounds fair to me.
Anyway, if you got a ghost KD you should use it and enjoy it :p
What? You got 2 ghost KD?s?! Screw you then :lol:

Best improvement this season so far imo is the multiple lineups. You get to use a much wider range of players now, without the horrible fuss (that hardly anyone did anyway) of changing lineups.

The campaigns layout is also getting better and better. The 150 stamina quick blitz is a very welcome adition.


All-Star 3
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.


Not being able to sell cards like ghost KD for it?s real worth (4-5M?) is not good. But since the point of this game is too have the best cards and not the most coin, selling a ghost KD for ~3M allowing you to get any other top card, sounds fair to me.
Anyway, if you got a ghost KD you should use it and enjoy it :p
What? You got 2 ghost KD?s?! Screw you then :lol:

Best improvement this season so far imo is the multiple lineups. You get to use a much wider range of players now, without the horrible fuss (that hardly anyone did anyway) of changing lineups.

The campaigns layout is also getting better and better. The 150 stamina quick blitz is a very welcome adition.
Is there a point of playing the 150 stamina event other than to save time.. ?.
I usually dont play it as the xp is really low for it.. and no first win bonus


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