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Brian, Please Help Us With The Auction House!


Pro 1
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.


Not being able to sell cards like ghost KD for it?s real worth (4-5M?) is not good. But since the point of this game is too have the best cards and not the most coin, selling a ghost KD for ~3M allowing you to get any other top card, sounds fair to me.
Anyway, if you got a ghost KD you should use it and enjoy it :p
What? You got 2 ghost KD?s?! Screw you then :lol:

Best improvement this season so far imo is the multiple lineups. You get to use a much wider range of players now, without the horrible fuss (that hardly anyone did anyway) of changing lineups.

The campaigns layout is also getting better and better. The 150 stamina quick blitz is a very welcome adition.
Is there a point of playing the 150 stamina event other than to save time.. ?.
I usually dont play it as the xp is really low for it.. and no first win bonus

Nope. Just that: a BIG time saver


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.


Not being able to sell cards like ghost KD for it?s real worth (4-5M?) is not good. But since the point of this game is too have the best cards and not the most coin, selling a ghost KD for ~3M allowing you to get any other top card, sounds fair to me.
Anyway, if you got a ghost KD you should use it and enjoy it :p
What? You got 2 ghost KD?s?! Screw you then :lol:

Best improvement this season so far imo is the multiple lineups. You get to use a much wider range of players now, without the horrible fuss (that hardly anyone did anyway) of changing lineups.

The campaigns layout is also getting better and better. The 150 stamina quick blitz is a very welcome adition.

I had Ghost KD and sold it because he played like shit for me I drained all my coins trying to make it work so I sold him and eventually all my other ghosts except for Markkanen which I found to be the best due to consistent gameplay plus he actually fit a theme team I would create


Pro 1
Current situation is that you don't have to have hundred of millions to get a decent lineup. Season 2 you need to either spend tons of real money or be very lucky with pulls (also most promo/programs are luck based). Now, either you spend money or grind hard. Of course, those who are still good playing the market and able to earn millions will still get advantage. There may still be improvements but i think current system is the most balance approach for grinders, spenders and market players that we had for 3 seasons.


Not being able to sell cards like ghost KD for it?s real worth (4-5M?) is not good. But since the point of this game is too have the best cards and not the most coin, selling a ghost KD for ~3M allowing you to get any other top card, sounds fair to me.
Anyway, if you got a ghost KD you should use it and enjoy it :p
What? You got 2 ghost KD?s?! Screw you then :lol:

Best improvement this season so far imo is the multiple lineups. You get to use a much wider range of players now, without the horrible fuss (that hardly anyone did anyway) of changing lineups.

The campaigns layout is also getting better and better. The 150 stamina quick blitz is a very welcome adition.

I had Ghost KD and sold it because he played like shit for me I drained all my coins trying to make it work so I sold him and eventually all my other ghosts except for Markkanen which I found to be the best due to consistent gameplay plus he actually fit a theme team I would create

I just mentioned ghost KD because he seems to be the only one now who?s real worth is higher than the cap limit. (Magic would be another one untill recently.)
But since i haven?t been able to snipe one so far, I?m glad to he plays like shit at least for some :lol:


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