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Best gameplay strategy after shooting being nerfed?


Rookie 1
My playing style relied heavily on 3s, gaining 10+ lead in SD or LvL was easy

Now shooting is horrendously difficult
Even PG with 97 midrange could miss open shot

How do you guys manage to score now?


Rookie 1
hilariously sad

driving to the rim is also not easy if you have ovr disadvantage

while on the other hand, anyone feel that AI has got tougher?


Rookie 2
I am happy this thread exists. I has my Sexton with BB miss every corner 3 and thought it was only him who got nerfed.
I haven't really noticed a nerf. Game play for me is pretty much the same.

Well, when you take turds and sprinkle more turds on them, to some it will look like nothing has changed lol. Major difference in LVL though. That's probably where it's most obvious, lvl and ladder.


All-Star 1
Lvl is horrendous. Just..... Wtf. SD is impacted but not quite as bad. Idk what EA does but they need to stop giving us updates.
Nothing new to me. I just played my 2 league qs. 29 pts +19.
3 SD games +10 +12 manual margins as always.

Edit: I still playing with the old cam


Rookie 3
SD, is missing with older players..
LvL is shocking.. but as it's even across the board, even a +11 after 2 qtrs is good now lol


Rookie 3
SD, is missing with older players..
LvL is shocking.. but as it's even across the board, even a +11 after 2 qtrs is good now lol
The new gameplay is terrible. I went 5-6 and 4-0 in my league drives yesterday. They talked about trying to fix the contested shot mechanism so that the AI wouldn?t score with contact so easily but they just have the AI another leg up on defense.
The new gameplay is terrible. I went 5-6 and 4-0 in my league drives yesterday. They talked about trying to fix the contested shot mechanism so that the AI wouldn?t score with contact so easily but they just have the AI another leg up on defense.

There is no new gameplay since.....they didnt touch it. Only fixed bugs related with blocks & goaltending
Not my experience, or the experience of dozens of other users. They have nerfed shooting along with the other things they?ve decided to ruin.


Rookie 2
Not my experience, of the experience of dozens of other users. They have nerfed shooting along with the other things they?ve decided to ruin.

I agree with Commond on this one. Nerfed shooting, Defense now is a loooot of confusion and overall glitches in the new camera angles. There?s one when you bringing the ball up court and when it crosses the center line it zooms out and it catches me off guard.

Struggling mightily esp on lvl. Used to average +21-25 in 2 drives now am getting +12-17... noticeable change esp the 3 ball.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I guess I did well against Dub's league with a +19 as a 94 vs a 96 and +23 as a 93 vs 2 different 94s so at least today it wasn't bad


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