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Are the Rookie Campaign rewards good enough?


Rookie 1
Yeah this promo is not good for F2P players. Forcing us to spend coins on the lottery balls is a really shitty move.

If my math is right, it costs around 26,000 coins just to buy the lottery balls needed to build one jersey. So assuming you get all 9 jerseys required to build an elite on your first try (which is obviously unlikely), it'll cost about 234,000 coins just to get the lottery balls needed to build it. That's way too expensive at this point in the game.

On top of that, you can't really even make coins off this promo by just selling whatever you earn. It costs around 5,000 coins to build a gold, but they're selling for less than that on the AH.


Rookie 1
Yea, this campaign is BS..

There was a lot to play on the first 2 days but now I'm waiting for solid promo. RN there is nothing to do at all cuz playing showdown with crappy 75 lineup and shitty rewards can't motivate me at all (just 2-3 games to get 20 NBA cash).
Terrible rewards. Not even a gold player is pretty disappointing. I feel like EA have done everything they can to make F2P impossible this season. From making live events not repeatable to ensuring milestones are met before you can progress in Campaigns, its all designed to limit the success of F2P players.

lmao it's only the first promo bro.
I know but it looks like future promos might have a similar campaign structure which could mean more milestones (get 15 players, then 30, maybe an elite, then a coach from the promo etc), plus live events not being repeatable has nothing to do with promos.
The lottery pack event should be repeatable especially since it's only once a day and at an unfavorable time for some of us overseas.


Rookie 1
Yeah this promo is not good for F2P players. Forcing us to spend coins on the lottery balls is a really shitty move.

If my math is right, it costs around 26,000 coins just to buy the lottery balls needed to build one jersey. So assuming you get all 9 jerseys required to build an elite on your first try (which is obviously unlikely), it'll cost about 234,000 coins just to get the lottery balls needed to build it. That's way too expensive at this point in the game.

On top of that, you can't really even make coins off this promo by just selling whatever you earn. It costs around 5,000 coins to build a gold, but they're selling for less than that on the AH.
I posted some math on it over on Reddit. Note that this wasn't including the free lottery balls from the once-a-day live event, and it was assuming you're unlucky and only get 5 silver lottery balls per purchase. Pretty sure it evens out since I used the minimum price for jerseys, which is unlikely like you said.

Each gold rookie costs 7000 coins, or >21,000 if you do the bronze token conversion (<74 gold players can only be sold for around 5000 coins, so gold rookies really aren't even worth building) [additional note: it is worth it if you happen to get lucky with a 75+ ovr]

A rookies coach or jersey costs 46,000 coins if you buy gold rookies from the AH (assuming you buy them at 5000 coins each. 74 ovr players max out at 5600 coins so it's still cheaper to buy from the AH)

Each 80 ovr rookie costs 414,000 coins, and that's if you get the exact jerseys you need first try without duplicates

Even if you get 20 gold lottery balls for 70,000 coins each time (obviously unlikely), Durant will still cost a total of 1,592,000 coins.


Rookie 1
Yeah this promo is not good for F2P players. Forcing us to spend coins on the lottery balls is a really shitty move.

If my math is right, it costs around 26,000 coins just to buy the lottery balls needed to build one jersey. So assuming you get all 9 jerseys required to build an elite on your first try (which is obviously unlikely), it'll cost about 234,000 coins just to get the lottery balls needed to build it. That's way too expensive at this point in the game.

On top of that, you can't really even make coins off this promo by just selling whatever you earn. It costs around 5,000 coins to build a gold, but they're selling for less than that on the AH.
I posted some math on it over on Reddit. Note that this wasn't including the free lottery balls from the once-a-day live event, and it was assuming you're unlucky and only get 5 silver lottery balls per purchase. Pretty sure it evens out since I used the minimum price for jerseys, which is unlikely like you said.

Each gold rookie costs 7000 coins, or >21,000 if you do the bronze token conversion (<74 gold players can only be sold for around 5000 coins, so gold rookies really aren't even worth building) [additional note: it is worth it if you happen to get lucky with a 75+ ovr]

A rookies coach or jersey costs 46,000 coins if you buy gold rookies from the AH (assuming you buy them at 5000 coins each. 74 ovr players max out at 5600 coins so it's still cheaper to buy from the AH)

Each 80 ovr rookie costs 414,000 coins, and that's if you get the exact jerseys you need first try without duplicates

Even if you get 20 gold lottery balls for 70,000 coins each time (obviously unlikely), Durant will still cost a total of 1,592,000 coins.
That sounds about right. I was pretty conservative with my numbers (assuming 1,000 coins per silver lottery ball and exclusively using the free silver players from events to build golds) so I'm sure what you have is more accurate/realistic. Either way, it's way too expensive.

This promo is still much better than what we got at the start of last season, so I'm still optimistic about this season, but I really hope these coin-only collectibles don't become a theme.
It?s crazy that it costs that much to build an 80 OVR elite that will be redundant in a few weeks. It?s also scary that this is just the beginning.

A lot of people are comparing this promo with the Sesson 2 Crossroads promo. To me, it?s pretty clear that they?re continuing with the same promo structure as last season with a slow curve on the OVR of cards. If they meant for this to be an inviting launch promo they messed up complete.

Why not focus on making the game popular again before you try to empty their wallets?

I think I?ll keep doing the Green blitz and building golds even if I make a loss on them. High OVR golds is the best thing I can get out of this promo. Repeatinf the set also counts towards your sets total (hope that?s not a glitch.)


All-Star 3
Ya repeating the green blitz is the best option.
I do the gold rookie set once every day (hoping to pull a 75+) and the rest of the silvers go into the gold upgrade set. Then I sell that gold..
I bought a few silver balls initially then realised it was a waste of coin, so I complete the gold rookie set from the balls I get in the lottery event.


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