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Are the Rookie Campaign rewards good enough?

So, I made it through to the end of the Rookie Campaign and I really don't have a lot to show for it.

I got a bunch of silver Rookies players but I needed to spend my own coins to turn those into gold players. And the first five golds I was forced to spend on a coach so that I could make it to the end of the campaign.

The final challenge gave me the necessary tokens to finish an elite if I want to continue grinding out this promo, and there were some additional benefits like leveling up, completing sets, and earning some higher OVR replacements to my team, BUT...

I feel as though we should have been rewarded with a gold player or two. Especially for those expensive events towards the end. A gold player really wouldn't have hurt considering how many you need to secure all of the jerseys.

Anyone else finished it? What do you think?
I've hit the brick wall of needing the rookie coach, not really bothered about pushing through to do the rest of it at this stage.


Pro 1
Yeah I finished it a few hours ago.

I had to repeat some of the final events and the difficulty+stamina vs reward did look a bit too much.
I think that a jersey would have been a decent additional prize, and also good for EAs POV as I think more people would try something there - going for a promo elite - if it was already started in some way.

The coach ends being the reward at the end of the day.

I don't mind the limited rewards and slow ovr progression in general though.
Rewarding players with a jersey is a good idea.

I'll tell you one other thing that bugs me about this promo. If the price of a low-level gold was capped at 5k, why does it cost me 7k to turn my silvers into a gold? I can snipe 2-3 golds off the AH for that price. The silver lottery ball pack should cost 5k.


Pro 1
yeah it seems they want to drain the resources with that. I got 4 of the 5 the golds for the coach via AH, with the first win coins from the events.

the argument I could find in their favor is that you can pull a 75+ gold rookie - that would be equivalent to a 20k+ card.
I suppose so but I would feel a hell of a lot better buying store packs if I knew that it was a free market.

I watched Buckeye's 30 minute rant video where he called this a trash launch promo. I wouldn't go that far but they do need to reconsider their campaign rewards.


Rookie 2
I'm just doing the Green blitz event repeatedly and exchanging all rookie silvers into regular golds.


Pro 1
I suppose so but I would feel a hell of a lot better buying store packs if I knew that it was a free market.

I watched Buckeye's 30 minute rant video where he called this a trash launch promo. I wouldn't go that far but they do need to reconsider their campaign rewards.

in a 30min everything-wrong-rant did he say anything interesting? ex. mentioned bugs that we didn't mention here in the forum yet?

I agree that this is not a friendly promo if you want to complete any elite tho, but not really willing to spend the time watching youtuber rants.


All-Star 3
I suppose so but I would feel a hell of a lot better buying store packs if I knew that it was a free market.

I watched Buckeye's 30 minute rant video where he called this a trash launch promo. I wouldn't go that far but they do need to reconsider their campaign rewards.

in a 30min everything-wrong-rant did he say anything interesting? ex. mentioned bugs that we didn't mention here in the forum yet?

I agree that this is not a friendly promo if you want to complete any elite tho, but not really willing to spend the time watching youtuber rants.
Not much abt the glitches.. the usual everything is money grab.. no difference in gameplay .. etc
Btw Edll, have u seen the bench bonus feedback when u play, in the sense for ur team ...dont remember seeing it.. but today on autoplay, my team had it..


Rookie 2
Question. How do you get those elite Jerseys? Each Rookie elite players requires 2.. is it specific also to that player? A bit confused. Thanks


Pro 1
Not much abt the glitches.. the usual everything is money grab.. no difference in gameplay .. etc
Btw Edll, have u seen the bench bonus feedback when u play, in the sense for ur team ...dont remember seeing it.. but today on autoplay, my team had it..

the usual then xD

and I don't think I've seen the bench bonus in manual play no. what bonus do you have atm?
I've seen one variant of the 'lucky shot' that I didn't recall in manual play tho.


All-Star 1
and I don't think I've seen the bench bonus in manual play no. what bonus do you have atm?
I've seen one variant of the 'lucky shot' that I didn't recall in manual play tho.
I've had "bench bonus" in manual play but it was for the AI.


All-Star 3
and I don't think I've seen the bench bonus in manual play no. what bonus do you have atm?
I've seen one variant of the 'lucky shot' that I didn't recall in manual play tho.
I've had "bench bonus" in manual play but it was for the AI.

Exactly I've seen the AI get it many times.
When I put autoplay my team made a shot and it said bench bonus..
@edll shot block
Terrible rewards. Not even a gold player is pretty disappointing. I feel like EA have done everything they can to make F2P impossible this season. From making live events not repeatable to ensuring milestones are met before you can progress in Campaigns, its all designed to limit the success of F2P players.
Terrible rewards. Not even a gold player is pretty disappointing. I feel like EA have done everything they can to make F2P impossible this season. From making live events not repeatable to ensuring milestones are met before you can progress in Campaigns, its all designed to limit the success of F2P players.

lmao it's only the first promo bro.


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