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Anyone has a thought of quitting this game?


Rookie 1
I'm actually going to be facing a dilemma soon - I came over from Madden Overdrive when EA stunk up the john with that piece of crap game. The new Madden version is out at the end of the month, and I don't have time to grind two games.

I'm enjoying the relative simplicity of NBALM compared to Madden, but I'm going to have to give the new Madden a shot at least, and if it's good and I enjoy it, it'll probably come at the expense of NBALM.


Rookie 1
i quit at the start of season 3 and i came back when the finals promo started... i got attached to the game again.

...even if you quit EA’s work will lure you back sometime during season 4:p
I won’t quit. I mean last couple of days WiFi sucked and there was this thing called resource down load error that annoyed the crap out of me. I came close quitting, I didn’t download the game and deleted it for a few days but somehow yesterday I got back, got out of my comfort zone. It was a hard decision to be back but now that I am back, I am enjoying it like before


Rookie 1
You still here?? Damn
Addiction + obssesion. You have to check dat kiddo.
Idiot im playing till end of season 3. The only reason im playing this now cause its summer break kiddo. You are what they call EA fanboy cringy ass kid, blocked you so dont reply kid
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Rookie 1
Yes playing against real people would be cool but dont expect for it to work well for the first half of the season 4. Imma return when it works well, probably start of next summer.
Idiot im playing till end of season 3. The only reason im playing this now cause its summer break kiddo. You are what they call EA fanboy cringy ass kid, blocked you so dont reply kid
I'm a fanboy cause i want to play PvP next season after waiting for more than a year ?? OK then


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Idiot im playing till end of season 3. The only reason im playing this now cause its summer break kiddo. You are what they call EA fanboy cringy ass kid, blocked you so dont reply kid
Cut it out guys there's no need for name calling this is the only verbal warning before points are awarded


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