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Anyone has a thought of quitting this game?

My interest in the game is at an all-time low. I keep forgetting to complete objectives and other events, especially on my alt, but it’s reached the point wheee I don’t really care. Somehow I have managed to get to 107 OVR despite not being interested in the game. They have repeatedly said that they want to take the game forward and not repeat what worked in the past but they don’t come up with any exciting ideas.


Rookie 3
I also feel like that game is getting boring as hell nothing to do I just play to get the 1st win bonus of the current promo
Ea really needs to do something at this point of the game
If season 4 ain't good everyone will be dissappointed as they spending a lot of time working on s4 according to Brian and others gc's


Rookie 1
I've made a decision to quit at season's end...basically loyalty to our core guys in League keeping me in it.

If I do play season 4, basically not going to start until March....the daily grind just takes way too much out of you. I picked this game up to provide some entertainment and it's basically a second full time job to grind.
NOPE. I want to play s4 pvp with one of the new draft expansion superstars, so quitting now could be the stupidest thing one could do.

Also, events masters trash??? LMAO
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Pro 1
I’ve been enjoying it lately but only sniping in the AH. The lag is extremely frustrating at times but when the AI isn’t slaughtering you by choice the gameplay is enjoyable.


Pro 2
In a word - no

The game ain’t perfect. That’s for sure. lvl can be frustrating when you go from routinely dropping high +20s to suddenly going +7/+7 three tourneys in a row. Hardly a coincidence. The nerf is real.

The current promo is the worst of the season. Thanks EA Brian!

The lag seems to mirror what happened this time last season. EA likes to blame it on the 3rd party apps. But it never got fixed through end of season last year and won’t this year. I’m convinced it’s a server issue - once the total inventory of content (players, jerseys, collectible, and courts) reaches a certain point, the server starts to glitch.

But all in all, the game is okay. Like everything else in life, the issue is managing expectations and emotions. Some days are better than others for me.


Pro 1
Thought about it several times in the beginning of this season. Or taking a 1 month break or something. But since early 2019 it has improved a lot.

Except LvL (and there’s an easy solution for that) I’ve been having fun lately.

Sadly this Bulls promo seems to be repeating some mistakes from the past. These frustrating drills almost seem designed to piss off players on purpose.

All in all this is a great base product. So good that it can even afford to make big unnecessary mistakes.

Let’s hope the whole “keep players/coins for S4” is not a total let down. I’m trying to keep my expectations very low.


Pro 1
I've made a decision to quit at season's end...basically loyalty to our core guys in League keeping me in it.

If I do play season 4, basically not going to start until March....the daily grind just takes way too much out of you. I picked this game up to provide some entertainment and it's basically a second full time job to grind.
You make a very good point. The obligation to check in the game every 4 hours to collect BP’s is hard for me to understand. You either have a good friend overseas or you can’t sleep.

And now it’s even worse since the “Bulls stamina” pack makes you have to check every 2 hours at times.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You make a very good point. The obligation to check in the game every 4 hours to collect BP’s is hard for me to understand. You either have a good friend overseas or you can’t sleep.

And now it’s even worse since the “Bulls stamina” pack makes you have to check every 2 hours at times.
You don't have to claim the bonus packs all the time it's not like they give something amazing only 1/20 of an elite token for VC and 1/3120 of the way to Robinson it's much more practical to claim the BPs when you claim the stamina packs


Rookie 1
I quit on season 2, I like this season a lot more. I don't wanna quit but the slowdowns and OP AI gets annoying after a while.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm quitting after this year, but not the game period, I'm quitting my alt account. I just can't play on 2 teams anymore. They were never meant to be competitive with each other but that's what it turned into. What once was a farm account that I used to transfer cards I wanted to keep but weren't high enough overall quickly turned into a team that rivals my main one because of the bot. The time consuming is another thing I don't like about 2 teams


All-Star 3
I'm quitting after this year, but not the game period, I'm quitting my alt account. I just can't play on 2 teams anymore. They were never meant to be competitive with each other but that's what it turned into. What once was a farm account that I used to transfer cards I wanted to keep but weren't high enough overall quickly turned into a team that rivals my main one because of the bot. The time consuming is another thing I don't like about 2 teams
Ya I more or less quit my alt. I just keep it to play occasional showdown as theres no stamina in my main for SD (which I think is a big misstep this season from EA)


Pro 1
You don't have to claim the bonus packs all the time it's not like they give something amazing only 1/20 of an elite token for VC and 1/3120 of the way to Robinson it's much more practical to claim the BPs when you claim the stamina packs
That not the way I like to play games. Any game.

Now I do have a good friend overseas and we help each other out. Before I would just delay the next BP pick up for a few hours. But that made me feel I was at a disadvantage which in turn made me feel like a casual player instead of a more serious one. And for me is totally out of the equation to pay real money for a game I play casually.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That not the way I like to play games. Any game.

Now I do have a good friend overseas and we help each other out. Before I would just delay the next BP pick up for a few hours. But that made me feel I was at a disadvantage which in turn made me feel like a casual player instead of a more serious one. And for me is totally out of the equation to pay real money for a game I play casually.
Your choice then I just gave you the easy and smart way out of the problem you mentioned
Im actually enjoying it more. As a f2p player its been easy getting master's and keeping up with paying players. If I didn't quit last season and at the beginning of this season with all the AH nonsense I don't see myself quitting anytime soon.
I haven’t considered quitting and don’t see why I would. I love NBA basketball, and outside of fantasy this is what feeds the need. I’ve been taking the game less seriously than last season, for sure, which is why I’ve only been lurking in the communities and not participating as much. But I’ve quietly managed to reach 107 OVR and am enjoying the game all the same. I think a big part of it is I’m not spending any money this season unlike last, which helps curb my expectations for the game.
To me there’s no point getting excited about anything in Season 4 unless the rewards improve.

The rewards this season have been poor. I’m talking about the rewards for LvL, Showdown and weekly programs, specifically. The one positive from this season has been that program masters have been grindable. The downside to that is that grinding for program masters isn’t fun. And that’s discounting the fact that they’re ultimately worthless due to everyone obtaining them and the style lineups being meaningless.

The problem is that there’s no incentive for EA to improve rewards. There have limited resources and it’s difficult to justify the time and resources spent on improving player satisfaction and user engagement vs. selling promo packs. Not only that but the prevailing mentality is that it’s free stuff and you shouldn’t complain about getting things for free. Certainly that’s what a lot of the hanger-ons tell us. What’s more, there will always be players who play LvL and SD for reasons other than rewards.

Given the monthly roll-out format of the program cards, I can’t see a return to engaging weekly rewards and for me that is a big turn off. There is nothing to look forward to on a day to day basis. Even S2 had specific content days.

They’ve devoted so much of their resources to the new features in S4 that I doubt they will revamp the basic components of the game.


Rookie 2
I don't really care for the promos. Only SD and LvL keeps me interested because I am playing against fellow human players.

If or when I do quit, I prefer to play NBA 2k mobile.

Even downloading the classic NBA Jam with 2 v 2 player format with the hilarious commentary "boomshakalaka!" etc gives me back some emotional return for time spent. :D


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