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All Daily Beats are gone


Rookie 1
Hi there. I have a problem. Since the start of today refreshing events, I cannot play literally anything, except for the firework campaign. Anyone else experiencing? I've already tried to clear the cache and download again the game.


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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah I updated your title this is the case for everyone as the timers ended instead of the new cycle coming (which doesn't require maintenance to start) the daily events and even the weekly and every other day events shut off too I kinda saw this coming when none of the timers for the elevate section popped back up yesterday meaning this was something that was coming for at least a day and they still didn't have the wherewithal to stop it unless it's a plan to do something big like perhaps end some of these programs
Lol Brian must have spread that virus to the rest of the team and everyone got sick. Hey as long fireworks is still up I'm good.
Yeah I updated your title this is the case for everyone as the timers ended instead of the new cycle coming (which doesn't require maintenance to start) the daily events and even the weekly and every other day events shut off too I kinda saw this coming when none of the timers for the elevate section popped back up yesterday meaning this was something that was coming for at least a day and they still didn't have the wherewithal to stop it unless it's a plan to do something big like perhaps end some of these programs

They haven't added a new legend yet either, which is why I assumed there would be a maintenance.
There was supposed to be maintenance but it hasn't happened. Jenny tweeted at the time that there was a deploy on the way to fix the fourth blitz event which has people freaking out that they will nerf it.


Rookie 1
Thanks to all of.. I just wanted to understand if it was only my problem.. Since not let's grind the firework event !! :)


Rookie 3
i dont remember when the last "maintenance" was.. its been @ least a week
they have been able to deploy new content without maintenance.. so the fact that we are getting one.. all 3 94's are gonna be tough :(


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well their fix was to lower it to 1 token like in the description rather than change the description making that 4th blitz completely useless which isn't a surprise at all


Rookie 2
crunching the numbers:

If sparkler 'blitz I' gives 5 tokens we need at least 3 out 10 'blitz IV' events to turn out as fireworks in order to have the blitz IV 'paying off':3
  • Since in 10 'blitz I' events we get 50 sparklers
  • 10 'blitz IV' events with 3 fireworks tokens is equivalent to 3*15 + 7 = 52 sparklers.
  • So it seems this is not likely to be worth playing the blitz IV event anymore. get

I'll try to do some stats just to see...
They could have warned us it was going to change. Instead they extended the promo by a few days and tried to fix it with a minimum of notice. Unfortunately, for them they encountered some problems with the deploy and now the whole thing has blown up. I dunno if it was a bug or they felt the event was too generous but it is poor form by EA and they should have copped it and moved onto the next promo.


Rookie 2
So I did 30 blitz IV events, 4 of which yielded the fireworks tokens.
So just stop doing this event!


Rookie 1
I grinded almost 2 full bars of stamina on blitz IV and then got kicked off due to maintenance. Log back in to find everything I just grinded is now 1 token apiece instead of 3. This is some bullshit...


All-Star 3
I had a feeling when dhitman released a video yesterday telling everyone to play the event it was curtain calls

Man some poor souls had saved up their blitz packs (100-300... guessing inventory issues).. all turned into single packs..oh the horror


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I had a feeling when dhitman released a video yesterday telling everyone to play the event it was curtain calls

Not surprised he saw that view opportunity not the fact that it could cause them to change it


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