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AH Changes

Re: AH Changes Today

Seeing some 83 RIPs listed as low as 23K starting, wow, lol.....I can't relate at all to listing these cards so low, but that's because I don't have a TON of elites like apparently some do lol


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: AH Changes Today

Thanks sir!

How about the 82 and the 83 and the 84?s?

Those are relative to the actual card which is why I didn't put them into detail but these prices will all drop more as the day goes on so none of those prices are good anymore
Re: AH Changes Today

It's about time. This just made finishing AD just so much easier.


The 80 elites are much costlier now.. I dont think I can complete him now.. especially since only 40 hours left

The event saying it ends in 43 hours has to be a mistake and should be fixed. I saw someone on reddit mention Brian about it, and he seems pretty good at replying on reddit from what I saw when people mentioned/replied to him in the past. There's no way it ends in 43 hours because that's literally the the beginning of Halloween day.


All-Star 3
Re: AH Changes Today

Folks wasted no time in listing those Room 3 elites at wild prices lmfao. 80 Conley 150K bid 250k bin.

yup.. was worried abt this.. the snipers and botters can make bank now... our 80-82 elites sell for 40-60k but well have to buy at 2-3 times the rate now..

guess u cant win them all


Rookie 1
Re: AH Changes Today

The ah is dead. All this update did was expand the price range so cards could be sold for less(if they even buy). They are taking away coin making from us unless we buy from them or get them through live events. Sniping golds is eliminated now for sure. At least that's what I'm getting from all of this....


All-Star 3
Re: AH Changes Today

It's about time. This just made finishing AD just so much easier.


The 80 elites are much costlier now.. I dont think I can complete him now.. especially since only 40 hours left

4 days not 40 hours, you'll just miss the +10 ovr on halloween day but you could get him don't worry
ya thought it said 4 days earlier.. but now it says 1 day 19 hours... hence the 40 hours... dont know if that is countdown to halloween or something else (the +10 boost)


All-Star 3
Re: AH Changes Today

It's about time. This just made finishing AD just so much easier.


The 80 elites are much costlier now.. I dont think I can complete him now.. especially since only 40 hours left

Golds are your friend... ;)
i know.. but never liked sniping.. avoided it if i had a choice.. turned in all my rep and converted it to golds.. hopefully will get lucky with some elite exchanges..


All-Star 1
Re: AH Changes Today


The 80 elites are much costlier now.. I dont think I can complete him now.. especially since only 40 hours left
Golds are your friend... ;)
i know.. but never liked sniping.. avoided it if i had a choice.. turned in all my rep and converted it to golds.. hopefully will get lucky with some elite exchanges..
I'm planning to burn through my rep as well. Started with about 750k. Will snipe as a last resort but I seem them going for under 2500k.


Rookie 1
Re: AH Changes Today

82 Rookie Irving and Okafor still bot inflated 600kish and 83 Durant bot inflatet still 800kish, smh. Thanks for slapping your clientele in the face EA.

Stewie, could you please pass this on to Brian, preferably both sentences. Thank you.
Re: AH Changes Today

82 Rookie Irving and Okafor still bot inflated 600kish and 83 Durant bot inflatet still 800kish, smh. Thanks for slapping your clientele in the face EA.

Stewie, could you please pass this on to Brian, preferably both sentences. Thank you.

Seems like all of the Rookie cards are kind of inflated, price wise. I mean Evans at 178k isn't terrible, but still too much but if that's the price the seller put, that's a different story.


Rookie 1
Re: AH Changes Today

82 Rookie Irving and Okafor still bot inflated 600kish and 83 Durant bot inflatet still 800kish, smh. Thanks for slapping your clientele in the face EA.

Stewie, could you please pass this on to Brian, preferably both sentences. Thank you.

Seems like all of the Rookie cards are kind of inflated, price wise. I mean Evans at 178k isn't terrible, but still too much but if that's the price the seller put, that's a different story.

This is unfortunately clearly the doing of the bot with regards to the mentioned cards. No seller would put these prices. My friends and I post them definitely way below even below half of what the bot has standardly (without flexibility) posted those particular cards which were expensively acquired at the time. In contrast, evans 82 can be even posted even lower than 100k. They simply forgot or refused to take care of the rookies cards it seems.


Pro 1
Re: AH Changes Today

This is unfortunately clearly the doing of the bot with regards to the mentioned cards. No seller would put these prices. My friends and I post them definitely way below even below half of what the bot has standardly (without flexibility) posted those particular cards which were expensively acquired at the time. In contrast, evans 82 can be even posted even lower than 100k. They simply forgot or refused to take care of the rookies cards it seems.

There are some other weird cases now. I'm trying to sell base Kevin Love without success and instead of going lower, his bot-posting value in the AH somehow got higher...while the halloween 81 card is now worth 50k.
Re: AH Changes Today

82 Rookie Irving and Okafor still bot inflated 600kish and 83 Durant bot inflatet still 800kish, smh. Thanks for slapping your clientele in the face EA.

Stewie, could you please pass this on to Brian, preferably both sentences. Thank you.

Seems like all of the Rookie cards are kind of inflated, price wise. I mean Evans at 178k isn't terrible, but still too much but if that's the price the seller put, that's a different story.

This is unfortunately clearly the doing of the bot with regards to the mentioned cards. No seller would put these prices. My friends and I post them definitely way below even below half of what the bot has standardly (without flexibility) posted those particular cards which were expensively acquired at the time. In contrast, evans 82 can be even posted even lower than 100k. They simply forgot or refused to take care of the rookies cards it seems.

Gotcha. The reason I mentioned Evans was because he appears under the rookie elite filter along with KD Okafor and Irving, and others but just looking at his card art vs the others it seems like he's still a different type of rookie card compared to the others that definitely got missed.
Re: AH Changes Today

It's about time. This just made finishing AD just so much easier.


The 80 elites are much costlier now.. I dont think I can complete him now.. especially since only 40 hours left

I should say easier for me then. I managed to sell a few 83s for 200k as soon as maintenance ended and before prices for 83s plummeted. Now I have enough coins for the 3 elites I still need and have coins left over.


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