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Access pass - views


All-Star 3
Will there be a new access pass this month?
To the people who got the 5k one is it worth it..
Have 6k cash saved up .. so was wondering whether to use it on a pass to get two guaranteed cards and in game benefits over spending it on a 5k promo chance pack..
Thing is, at this point in the game there will be good packs in store in the coming months.. but as we have seen even that might change this season..


Rookie 2
I spent on the 1st one that cost less. Will renew again on same NBA cash amount.

Didnt try the 5K one....of course if you want the 100 Oladipo SG card, then 5K would shorten the grind for you.


All-Star 3
I spent on the 1st one that cost less. Will renew again on same NBA cash amount.

Didnt try the 5K one....of course if you want the 100 Oladipo SG card, then 5K would shorten the grind for you.

Hoping for new access players .. thought would buy it depending on that
Well, it looks like they either forgot about the Access pass or decided to flag it. The model was stupid compared to last season's NBALM Asia VIP passes which practically every full-time player utilized.


Rookie 1
Got Jalen rose last season he seems to be worth a major amount of coins now and he's pretty good too


Rookie 2
I have gotten Jalen Rose....he's the best guy to replace the Lebron All stars 95 card so far.

Only issue is that J.Rose block stats are awful for a SF. :p


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