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83 OVR Offseason Movers requirements are absurd


All-Star 1
I'm not convinced this promo is really that much more expensive than what we're used to. All the other promos in this format require an un-grindable amount of promo elites to get the highest ovr master. The big difference is that no one has enough coins right now to buy those elites from the AH.

These first two promos haven't been great for F2P, but I don't think they've been as bad as people are making them seen. I walked away from the Rookies promo with 350k coins and a 78 ovr lineup. By the time Offseason Movers ends, I should be up to 80 ovr and if I ever get these elite cards to sell, I'll make at least a couple hundred thousand coins. Those are pretty decent returns in my opinion. As long as I can continue improving my lineup and/or make some coins, I can't complain too much.

I've said it before, but I think people would enjoy this game a lot more if they just lowered their expectations. If you go into every single promo expecting to get a free master, you're going to be disappointed more often than not.

+1...spot on. Especially the part about the coins and the current state of the AH. I think a lot of F2P's got used to sniping their way to a master. Clearly EA wants to stop this behavior because they feel it's putting a dent in their revenue stream; hence, they f'd with the AH and we're left with the" unauctionable" state we have currently.

I think a little patience is in order. I'll have 3 elites from this promo with little to no grind and I've sold every 79 Mover I've gotten for a couple hundred grand profit. All in all, not a bad haul - and with the SD bonus and rewards the way they are now, no need to waste stamina there when I can possibly grind out another +81 Mover playing the blitz events.


Rookie 2
I'm not convinced this promo is really that much more expensive than what we're used to. All the other promos in this format require an un-grindable amount of promo elites to get the highest ovr master. The big difference is that no one has enough coins right now to buy those elites from the AH.

These first two promos haven't been great for F2P, but I don't think they've been as bad as people are making them seen. I walked away from the Rookies promo with 350k coins and a 78 ovr lineup. By the time Offseason Movers ends, I should be up to 80 ovr and if I ever get these elite cards to sell, I'll make at least a couple hundred thousand coins. Those are pretty decent returns in my opinion. As long as I can continue improving my lineup and/or make some coins, I can't complain too much.

I've said it before, but I think people would enjoy this game a lot more if they just lowered their expectations. If you go into every single promo expecting to get a free master, you're going to be disappointed more often than not.

Good point. Coins are part of the grind, it's just that we don't have many of them at the moment, but future promos similar to this will become affordable.


Rookie 1
Did they think this scheme was gonna make ppl spend more money? because this makes me want to grind the game less and spend no more money on it smh.

Idk, looking at the top 100 in SD.....it sure looks like they've been raking in the cash lately. I mean, I don't know how you have an 82 OVR team right now without spending at least $500 real money. That seems like a lot to me so early on.....

Somethings up because most of them are from foreign countries. They must got the plug for cheap nba cash or something.


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