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2021 All-Star Promo


Rookie 2
The court and jerseys don’t give you a boost? Seems like I wasted 6.5k. And the bonus event doesn’t give MM emblems.
Yes no Boosts whatsoever. But having an event that gives both AS points and Tokens at 40 stamina is decent for me. No MM emblems though which is a tradeoff.


Rookie 1
Anyone else realize how close EA got to predicting the All-star Draft? Swap Kawhi for Giannis and they had the starters.


Rookie 1
I'm looking for a C and a PF in this promo so can u guys tell me who should I choose Giannis or Kawhi, Jokic or Embiid?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The promo having 1 repeatable event is bullshit I've been playing the same event since hour 2 of the promo


All-Star 1
The promo having 1 repeatable event is bullshit I've been playing the same event since hour 2 of the promo
I don't find it that bad. I've been playing all the skill events (lol, even got 13 tokens a couple times) and then the Vs events to get my more MM pts. That takes a while & a good amount of stamina & then I blow through the repeatable event til the day is done. If I tried a bit harder I think I could get close to finishing both masters only using extra/ farmed stamina


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don't find it that bad. I've been playing all the skill events (lol, even got 13 tokens a couple times) and then the Vs events to get my more MM pts. That takes a while & a good amount of stamina & then I blow through the repeatable event til the day is done. If I tried a bit harder I think I could get close to finishing both masters only using extra/ farmed stamina
I gave up on the masters I figure I can just buy the West reserves and pull some strategic players for the bench and some auctionable players I already pulled Mitchell


All-Star 3
Mine only has 109 hours to reset according to the timer. No wonder I never noticed a recurring event
Ya after u play it once, it gets dark so u think it's not repeatable.. of the best event to play if u don't need mm points . U get 50 as points plus usually 5/6 tokens
Such a boring promo. They really need to get rid of the blitzes. Who wants to do the same thing every promo? It's stupid how they won't let you use the Masters in a game situation. I'd rather play a 2:30 quarter with the Masters than a drill. Especially if you're going to limit the number of events we can play. And I wish we could earn MM tokens through other means than the limited time events.


All-Star 1
Such a boring promo. They really need to get rid of the blitzes. Who wants to do the same thing every promo? It's stupid how they won't let you use the Masters in a game situation. I'd rather play a 2:30 quarter with the Masters than a drill. Especially if you're going to limit the number of events we can play. And I wish we could earn MM tokens through other means than the limited time events.
They've taken the game to a very basic level at this point. They can't seem to figure out how to allow people to progress in various/ different directions. Seasons/ SD/ and Arena are altogether pointless, so much so that I can't figure out why they're even a part of the game. Flashbacks and NBA Greats is not something worthwhile either. So that leaves each Promo where they just re-hash old ideas and designs and funnel all of us into another boring blitz grind.


All-Star 1
They've taken the game to a very basic level at this point. They can't seem to figure out how to allow people to progress in various/ different directions. Seasons/ SD/ and Arena are altogether pointless, so much so that I can't figure out why they're even a part of the game. Flashbacks and NBA Greats is not something worthwhile either. So that leaves each Promo where they just re-hash old ideas and designs and funnel all of us into another boring blitz grind.
They seem utterly incapable of understanding the pacing of the game wrt to events and promos relative to OVR. Throw in the new boosts and it’s a total f’ing disaster. Half the time I can’t tell if a player is even an upgrade or not (ie base OVR vs boosted OVR depending on play style). 🙄


All-Star 1
They seem utterly incapable of understanding the pacing of the game wrt to events and promos relative to OVR. Throw in the new boosts and it’s a total f’ing disaster. Half the time I can’t tell if a player is even an upgrade or not (ie base OVR vs boosted OVR depending on play style). 🙄
I can't wait until they bust out this year's iteration of Golden Tickets. I'm sure that will bring some chaos


Rookie 1
I think last season AS promo was so much better than current one. I am getting 87 and 88 players but can't find the process exciting enough and this random everything crap needs to go.


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