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110 lineup thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Sounds to me like selling Rose would be the rational thing to do here 🤔😆
Nah Bol is definitely the odd man out he has good AI but his manual is iffy he can shoot and his sprint button works really well compared to most other PGs for me but the problem is trying to stay in front of other PGs he gets lost easily due to all the other PGs being much smaller than him so they run around him a lot more and you have to stand like a mile away to get a steal with him which also makes it worse for staying with other PGs and I want one for both AI and manual in which case Bol is the worst one by far on manual of the 3


Pro 1
Nah Bol is definitely the odd man out he has good AI but his manual is iffy he can shoot and his sprint button works really well compared to most other PGs for me but the problem is trying to stay in front of other PGs he gets lost easily due to all the other PGs being much smaller than him so they run around him a lot more and you have to stand like a mile away to get a steal with him which also makes it worse for staying with other PGs and I want one for both AI and manual in which case Bol is the worst one by far on manual of the 3
But you can’t sell the others.

This was a joke of course since you’re always complaining about not having good Rose cards and finally have one. But selling would still be the rational move.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
But you can’t sell the others.

This was a joke of course since you’re always complaining about not having good Rose cards and finally have one. But selling would still be the rational move.
I plan on deciding between him and Magic on who to keep I'm still testing but so far I'm leaving towards Rose since I'm playing better with him than Magic right now


Pro 2
It wasn’t in place until the second update on Monday. I needed 1 bloody token to claim another FB player and get magic. Then they changed the rules as they so like to do.


Pro 1
It wasn’t in place until the second update on Monday. I needed 1 bloody token to claim another FB player and get magic. Then they changed the rules as they so like to do.
Just found out EA forgot about the cooldowns and some players got the 110 Finale masters before they should. Some players have Magic.
This brings to mind that elite exchange set, at the end of last season, that was supposed to be a good trade but for some hours was an AWESOME trade. And some people had a bunch of elites stored so... easy to figure the rest. Most people like me were suckered out of it. But hey, it's REALLY nice when I spot things first! 😆


Rookie 1
These cooldowns are trash and very unnecessary. It's not like everyone has the tokens anyway and now they are holding back the money spenders


Pro 2
These cooldowns are trash and very unnecessary. It's not like everyone has the tokens anyway and now they are holding back the money spenders

Very bad week for how ea treating spenders and high spenders. Most regular top 100 SD grinders are spenders. Screwed us on the SD Masters. Then put this unprecedentedly long cooldown in sets. Screwed us again (especially high spenders since the buy out option exists). Then gave us a 108 Duncan with no clutch or at least a clutch that never activates. Screwed us again. You’d think these morons realize who pays their salaries.

I’m really on the fence about playing Season 4 or just going all in on 2k. One thing that could renew my confidence would be if they booted Brian @asros to develop the next Candy Crush or something and took him the f### off NBALM.


Rookie 1
Very bad week for how ea treating spenders and high spenders. Most regular top 100 SD grinders are spenders. Screwed us on the SD Masters. Then put this unprecedentedly long cooldown in sets. Screwed us again (especially high spenders since the buy out option exists). Then gave us a 108 Duncan with no clutch or at least a clutch that never activates. Screwed us again. You’d think these morons realize who pays their salaries.

I’m really on the fence about playing Season 4 or just going all in on 2k. One thing that could renew my confidence would be if they booted Brian @asros to develop the next Candy Crush or something and took him the f### off NBALM.
Lol im not even a money spender but i knew it would be frustrating as heck. 109ovr f2p so im doing pretty well


All-Star 1
Wondering if I have any viable options for hitting 110. Will prob get Yao @ SG but don't think he goes to 109. Feel Ike I'm just a couple points away. Gonna try to grab a cheap Ghost Drummond and see if that does it. Can't get 110 Kawhi..... Prob wait for next promo?



Pro 1

Did this with a lot less than I thought I needed. Didn’t think it was possible with Wilt since he doesn’t boost to 108 but he boosted PF Yao to 109 which compensated for his lack of boosting +2. I also thought I’d need at the very least three masters to be able to do this, but after getting PF Yao this morning and swapping out RJ Barrett for McCollum, then benching VC, my game instantly crashed then I logged in to see my lineup at 110. I swapped Kuzma for Giannis and Giannis boosted to 109 to my surprise considering I couldn’t do it before. Thought I’d need atleast Ghost Bagley or Markkanen.


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