Try getting an april’s fool courtI've been stuck on 109 for a while now. I was sure Cousy would push me to 110, since I already had three starters boosted to 110 and even with van Vleet and Porter instead of LeBron on the bench, I stayed at a solid 109. But even with three 110's and two 109's, I can't push it to 110.
I'm thinking Ghost Sexton might get me there, but I don't know how easily he boosts to 110. Another option I might try is getting space dunk Duncan to replace Magic, but if either will get me there, I prefer getting Sexton.
I have about 3,2M in coins. Any tips on who I should buy? Will either Sexton or Duncan get me there?
Pretty proud of the lineup I've managed to build considering I've only been playing a little over two months and mostly play for free, with the exception of two BoB packs that netted me Doncic, Frazier and Wallace from the space dunk promo. Sold them all, but I'm seriously regretting selling Doncic.