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110 Line Up Thread ( Without Kawhi 110)


All-Star 3
IF i
replace my SF with 108 tatum( goes to 110 with boost)
And SG with 107 CJ mclloum ( goes to 109 with boost)
And any PG with 107 ovr (goes to 109 with boost)

Will it give me 110 franchise
Dont think so.. But if coins are not an issue no harm in trying 107 drose 107 cj and 108 Tatum.. Though kemba ovr rose might give u a better shot
Do u think that moving Vince to the bench and getting 107 CJ (boosted to 109) will get me to 110? View attachment 2109
Nope you need either Kawhi, Yao PG or Hakeem. Without either of them nothing will work for your team with the players on the AH. I haven't seen a 110 that doesn't have at least one of the 3 players I mentioned. I don't have either of them and have bought and tried every player on the AH with every possible combination of coach, Jersey, boosts and its impossible.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
My lneup and boosts
This photo was taken just to make all players and bench with boost(still 109),because i use baylor as manual PG..and for some odd reason it shows that mvp candidate PG13 is better than Hardaway 🤔


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We have a winner. Can’t wait to finish my tatum as well. How is his gameplay?
I can't really tell a difference between Penny and Tatum. It's like all 107 & 108 SFs play the same to me.
Still 4 shaq masters and a ghost .. but ya atleast first criteria matches.. lol
Lol yeah without them its literally impossible unless you have both Tatum and Gasol with boosts.
Congrats! It all paid off. That's a cool lineup.

Now check this out and tell me how it makes sense....the math ads up to like 108.5 I think.... Nutz
View attachment 2148
Thanks. That Kawhi makes a huge impact on ovr. With him you have a lot of leeway and can afford to have some 106s and still be 110.


Rookie 1
Does anyone have a 111 team they can show without Kawhi? No idea what to do with my bench. Got sexton, KD, Carter, Markannen and AD ALL are 110 starting bunch bench is so hard. Got doncic, 108 magic, 109 Yao sf and C and 108 Shaq at PF


Rookie 3
Finally a 110 without kawhi, hakeem, a ghost, pg yao, and with only 3 shaq/yao...haha. Though i have tatum, 107 erving and a gt bol but all are easily attainable. Lineup isn’t that scary though for 109s but once i get gasol it would give me chance to play around my combinations. Still have a day more to get tatum on my other account which is a defensive one but i guess that would be more difficult due to budget constraint to get a def center at least 107 ovr that will boost to 109.


Rookie 3
I've been stuck on 109 for a while now. I was sure Cousy would push me to 110, since I already had three starters boosted to 110 and even with van Vleet and Porter instead of LeBron on the bench, I stayed at a solid 109. But even with three 110's and two 109's, I can't push it to 110.

I'm thinking Ghost Sexton might get me there, but I don't know how easily he boosts to 110. Another option I might try is getting space dunk Duncan to replace Magic, but if either will get me there, I prefer getting Sexton.

I have about 3,2M in coins. Any tips on who I should buy? Will either Sexton or Duncan get me there?

Pretty proud of the lineup I've managed to build considering I've only been playing a little over two months and mostly play for free, with the exception of two BoB packs that netted me Doncic, Frazier and Wallace from the space dunk promo. Sold them all, but I'm seriously regretting selling Doncic.


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Pro 1
I've been stuck on 109 for a while now. I was sure Cousy would push me to 110, since I already had three starters boosted to 110 and even with van Vleet and Porter instead of LeBron on the bench, I stayed at a solid 109. But even with three 110's and two 109's, I can't push it to 110.

I'm thinking Ghost Sexton might get me there, but I don't know how easily he boosts to 110. Another option I might try is getting space dunk Duncan to replace Magic, but if either will get me there, I prefer getting Sexton.

I have about 3,2M in coins. Any tips on who I should buy? Will either Sexton or Duncan get me there?

Pretty proud of the lineup I've managed to build considering I've only been playing a little over two months and mostly play for free, with the exception of two BoB packs that netted me Doncic, Frazier and Wallace from the space dunk promo. Sold them all, but I'm seriously regretting selling Doncic.
107 Tim Duncan at C should do it and costs less than Sexton


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