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105 OVR Rewind F&I Masters Simmons and Iverson


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I'm kinda glad because at least I won't have to face him in SD, especially since the 105 Simmons card might be the most OP card this season since he's a PG. Now I don't know what to do with my 6 plats though.

Anyways, thanks for the info as always Stewie!

I wish that Simmons got the set card now I don't know what to do with my 6 platinums either as T Mac has way better stats excluding rebounding and even with that AI only has a +1 secondary stat advantage but he's also 8 inches shorter so it's a no contest which of these cards are better and you're welcome


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
They gave Simmons the starting boost too and gave both cards some descriptions but Simmons' card still lacks a program logo


Rookie 1
How can Simmons get a 99 3 pt? And ai only 100 does that make sense?

It?s not ?real life? and not making sense = EA. I saw a translated post about them making changes to their SD in China to make it more of a simulation but then they give us 107 Harden with buzzer beater.....
The China changes are for next season and refer to complaints about matchmaking and the AI being too difficult.

I don't think it matters how good a store-exclusive Simmons is with only a few weeks to go. Very few people will pull that Simmons and Curry may end up being the highest OVR point guard in the game if they release Rewind cards for the New Year's promo.


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