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100 Max Exp Level


Pro 1
Got there. Level capped at 100 (for now at least).
Anyone else?
What now? Is this it as far as level is concerned? :(


Pro 1

Too bad. One less thing to look forward to in this game, a couple less daily events that make sense, a lot of boosts that are now pointless, as well as a special experience lineup in my case... ah well.

Too bad. One less thing to look forward to in this game, a couple less daily events that make sense, a lot of boosts that are now pointless, as well as a special experience lineup in my case... ah well.
Agreed, you actually get punished for maxing out. I wish they could come up with a way to reward players that max out. For example say you get to 100 maybe they should double the stamina bar for those players so the lack of stamina refills doesn't sting so much.


Pro 1

Too bad. One less thing to look forward to in this game, a couple less daily events that make sense, a lot of boosts that are now pointless, as well as a special experience lineup in my case... ah well.
Agreed, you actually get punished for maxing out. I wish they could come up with a way to reward players that max out. For example say you get to 100 maybe they should double the stamina bar for those players so the lack of stamina refills doesn't sting so much.

That's actually a good and reasonable idea.

Only thing I got was 10 extra stamina and being able to sell my experience boosting stuff :lol:


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