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Any Coin Making Methods?


All-Star 3
Sell all the golds u can get this promo if ur not trying to go for the tip off heroes/wilt
With the ah as it is, it looks we will be exchanging elites from promo to promo..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Best thing is by far grinding the silver player events for the Tip Off campaign and converting them to golds then selling them it's rather easy to pull 75+ cards which sell for twice as much as the 74s at the least


All-Star 1
Best thing is by far grinding the silver player events for the Tip Off campaign and converting them to golds then selling them it's rather easy to pull 75+ cards which sell for twice as much as the 74s at the least

Anyone else feel like they changed the pull rates on the silver TO set? I agree with Stewie that pulling a 75 or better is actually pretty common but it didn?t seem that easy early in the promo.


All-Star 3
Best thing is by far grinding the silver player events for the Tip Off campaign and converting them to golds then selling them it's rather easy to pull 75+ cards which sell for twice as much as the 74s at the least

Anyone else feel like they changed the pull rates on the silver TO set? I agree with Stewie that pulling a 75 or better is actually pretty common but it didn?t seem that easy early in the promo.

They arent good for that much now though.. still 10-15k for a 78/9 is great


Pro 1
i like to snipe.... bronze players
MAX profit :D :D :D
What are u selling them for

I'm gonna guess he's joking because there was no bronze player card in the AH this season as far as I know xD

Options I see for bronzes are dumping them in the exchange for a silver which makes them worth between 46 to 16 coins each depending on the silver pull or 20 coins via quicksell xD

Unless I am missing something!


All-Star 3
i like to snipe.... bronze players
MAX profit :D :D :D
What are u selling them for

I'm gonna guess he's joking because there was no bronze player card in the AH this season as far as I know xD

Options I see for bronzes are dumping them in the exchange for a silver which makes them worth between 46 to 16 coins each depending on the silver pull or 20 coins via quicksell xD

Unless I am missing something!
Man completely missed the joke(If it was one..) lol...


All-Star 1
Best thing is by far grinding the silver player events for the Tip Off campaign and converting them to golds then selling them it's rather easy to pull 75+ cards which sell for twice as much as the 74s at the least

Anyone else feel like they changed the pull rates on the silver TO set? I agree with Stewie that pulling a 75 or better is actually pretty common but it didn?t seem that easy early in the promo.

They arent good for that much now though.. still 10-15k for a 78/9 is great
I'm consistently selling one TO for 15k bid and hint, he's not a high OVR.


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