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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the fourth season and the start of the fifth season


Pro 1
And here we are again for one more post of this weekly series.

Talk about

* Your general opinion about showdown at the moment
* what were the most memorable quarters you experienced/saw
* how much you're playing - and there's an achievement that counted your number of wins to help us with that.
* season-ending-pulls and whether or not your efforts were worth it.
* The current prizes
* Or any other doubt, issues, goals, desires or concerns related to showdown.
Finished 378...no elite given.

Edit: Definitely didn't expect this outcome since they say top 500 gets an elite....Has anyone else had this happen before? Could they be late giving them out????


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Finished 378...no elite given.

Edit: Definitely didn't expect this outcome since they say top 500 gets an elite....Has anyone else had this happen before? Could they be late giving them out????

If you don't get to the legend tier then you don't get a reward card it's always been like that since SD came out so I'm confident that is what happened
Finished 378...no elite given.

Edit: Definitely didn't expect this outcome since they say top 500 gets an elite....Has anyone else had this happen before? Could they be late giving them out????

If you don't get to the legend tier then you don't get a reward card it's always been like that since SD came out so I'm confident that is what happened

Wow. I guess this is the cause, then. I didn't know you had to reach legend in order to get the top 500 rewards. I finished with 1.3M but was top 400, so I thought there was at least something rewarded with that. Today I learned. Just a week ago was my first time hitting Legend, so I was totally unaware.


Pro 1
585k fans was my target. 47-14 was the W-L, with 59 of 61 my own quarters won. From the 47-14, Around 31-14 came as 80ovr and around 16-0 as 81 ovr in the weekend. Finished 2851th place - 588k fans.

74-73-71 was the ovr of the SD golds in the season-ending pack

As I tried to reach those 585k fans yesterday I wasn't losing a game . I guess that reflects how less competitive this week was. At some point I expected a manual 19-17 to end the long winning streak, but still no, opponent lost 11-14.

It bothers me that the prize pic still talks about the 81 players being for top300, but you can't really pull the 81s unless you're top200 right?

In a positive note, it seems I was doing well with the new shot-meter update, at least compared to others, so I confirm my praise for it after expressing a positive first-impression earlier.

I've also noticed something different about how the ball hits the rim in some shots. And the ball bouncing more after some blocks/interceptions. Tiny improvements from the app update, I guess.

Meanwhile, as I start a quarter in this new season, the shot meter is back to the old easy mode.

I absolutely hate this. Instead of letting people take the challenge, adapt to the circumstances, and people actually improving their game, they're reacting to first-impact impressions.

Also,, the sd bonus was changed


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Finished 378...no elite given.

Edit: Definitely didn't expect this outcome since they say top 500 gets an elite....Has anyone else had this happen before? Could they be late giving them out????

If you don't get to the legend tier then you don't get a reward card it's always been like that since SD came out so I'm confident that is what happened

Wow. I guess this is the cause, then. I didn't know you had to reach legend in order to get the top 500 rewards. I finished with 1.3M but was top 400, so I thought there was at least something rewarded with that. Today I learned. Just a week ago was my first time hitting Legend, so I was totally unaware.

Yeah people were spurned with that when SD came out


Pro 1
Ohhhh, I just noticed it starts you with 70K fans instead of 10K!!! That's a change many wanted, I think.

We're very slightly closer to the goals now and we're not bothering new players reaching sd for the first time, so it's good for them.

In exchange, we lose the chance to get a few packs with tiny rewards.

not a really significant change imo.
Ohhhh, I just noticed it starts you with 70K fans instead of 10K!!! That's a change many wanted, I think.

We're very slightly closer to the goals now and we're not bothering new players reaching sd for the first time, so it's good for them.

In exchange, we lose the chance to get a few packs with tiny rewards.

not a really significant change imo.

Yes, it's not groundbreaking that's for sure, I just remember a few mentioning they hate getting restarted every time.

It DOES look like the reward for completing daily objectives is now a Pro Pack, a major step up from the bonus pack.
This season was weak af. Looks like less than 300 people reached legend. I finished with 600K fans, around 2400.

And we start now at Pro 1 level, yesss. Thanks.
See, this right here is what I don't get. Why tell us OVR matters, and give us these "% advantage" notifications when it's clear OVR doesn't matter unless the game decides it will matter?

SS of match score: https://imgur.com/a/JCtj51L

81 vs 78--I had to struggle just to reach 14 points with an "advantage" while it was tough holding them to 5 points.

Meanwhile, they apparently had a lovely time against my AI even though they had a "disadvantage".
That's not the best part. Here's a SS of the teams involved: https://imgur.com/a/ufYPLYc

WHAT??? 2 Elites + Elevate Blake and 79 Rozier and 77 Gasol?????

I don't get it lol. I guess you could call it just a random occurrence. An anamoly.

Is the opponent just that good????? If so, we will see them in the top 100 by sunday, I'm sure.

I'm not even upset about it anymore. This happened yesterday. I'm just amazed because this is just one example and maybe someone has answers.


Pro 1
See, this right here is what I don't get. Why tell us OVR matters, and give us these "% advantage" notifications when it's clear OVR doesn't matter unless the game decides it will matter?

I'm pretty sure that just like shooting percentages, that line-up advantage % should be seen as a long-term average.

i.e. if you have +2% against opponents of a certain ovr, that will likely mean for example three games with advantages of +5%, -1%, +2%. resulting in the +2% average.

Your opponent was 3 ovr lower, which isn't an insurmountable disadvantage.

In s2 I gathered some data about winning % against certain ovr and at some point, against +3 ovr I had a reasonable chance (>40% wins) but against higher than that I barely had a chance. This is/was data from top tiers.



All-Star 3
I had a weird match too.. it was 80 vs 80... I think I won 19-11.. AI got lot of border 3s(cant switch In time.. they get open 3s).. return score.. 28-7... i couldnt believe it for a sec..
I had a weird match too.. it was 80 vs 80... I think I won 19-11.. AI got lot of border 3s(cant switch In time.. they get open 3s).. return score.. 28-7... i couldnt believe it for a sec..

It can be so strange...I had one last week, i'll never forget it. I was 80 at the time, they were 74. I win 21-6, they win 30-8!!!! Couldn't believe it. They didn't have a single elite in their lineup. It was madness. No, it was not apart of the night of the glitch, either.

Maybe edlll is correct, and it's a long term percentage against certain OVR, that fluctuates. That was of course the one and only 74 that I'd faced, and I guess the game decided to put me at -8% and them at +10%.

Idk. You don't just accidentally drop 30 points! It was still hard to drop 30 when you could make full court shots for a few hours. There just isn't often enough possessions to reach 30.... even shooting 100 percent.......with an ALL GOLD LINEUP lmao.
See, this right here is what I don't get. Why tell us OVR matters, and give us these "% advantage" notifications when it's clear OVR doesn't matter unless the game decides it will matter?

SS of match score: https://imgur.com/a/JCtj51L

81 vs 78--I had to struggle just to reach 14 points with an "advantage" while it was tough holding them to 5 points.

There is nothing unusual about this quarter. We all have quarters where the Ai allows us to put up 21 points. Your opponent was simply fortunate that he had that type of quarter against an 81 OVR while you faced a more difficult quarter. Oftentimes, you both have the easy quarter and it comes down to who got the most steals or played the better defense.

On the whole, it is very difficult for 78 OVRs to beat 81 OVRs in LvL or Showdown.
By S1 fun I mean 2016 when you could actually feel how important stats are and you didn't feel like the game is totally scripted by random streaks like the ones we now have in f'n showdown.

....it was all fun. When I had big, great rebounder I could count on him on the boards most of the times, when I made 3-4 extra fast passes with the final one to my totally open best shooter and made the shot with perfect release I didn't need to worry about BS "open look missed" non-sense etc..

Sounds like it was so much more enjoyable....These scripted matches and random streaks are starting to turn me off a bit...I go hours without playing (because my team decided they couldn't make a shot or defend), join a match and still can't make a single open shot for 3 straight matches.
Come the heck on!!!! Up 12-2 with 1:30 remaining and suddenly app crashes!! Net connection had no issues in other apps. This is BS. -8K fans, -20 stamina from a damned crash!!!
Come the heck on!!!! Up 12-2 with 1:30 remaining and suddenly app crashes!! Net connection had no issues in other apps. This is BS. -8K fans, -20 stamina from a damned crash!!!

Happened again! This is unreal! 16K fans just gone like that. It wouldn't be as bad if the fans lost was 1500-2K like normal losses, but for the app to randomly crash like it does, and subtract so many is ridiculous!! 8 losses condensed into 2 games. Pure BS.

Not to mention, you can win your quarter 20-2, finish the quarter and find out your opponent forfeited and only get 8K fans maybe 300 rep even though the only thing that changed was your opponent forfeited. You're basically punished because your opponent either crashed or decided to quit!! How does THAT work???
Hahaha. Happened again. I guess I'm the fool for playing this crap game mode. Silly me for just trying to get an elite card from grinding SD for a bit. 24K fans lost, now. I knew I shouldn't have started another, should have just let the 20 stamina stay there.


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