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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the fourth season and the start of the fifth season

How does THAT work???

Is there something you were doing that is consistent in all crashes?

ex. during season 2 there was a crashing bug around spamming steal. And there was another about shooting around the 'clutch zones'.

I'm thinking if I can't go from one section to another without it dragging, then it will probably crash. Like, I try to open the app and that even takes longer than usual. When I see that, I will just close the app and try in a few hours. No longer worth risking the loss
Just had a crash right as the clock hit zero. Log back in, of course it's a forfeit. Aweomse. Literally played the whole quarter, but still get a forfeit. Just awesome. That's 32K fans gone from forfeit, just today. So, so bad.


Rookie 1
By S1 fun I mean 2016 when you could actually feel how important stats are and you didn't feel like the game is totally scripted by random streaks like the ones we now have in f'n showdown.

....it was all fun. When I had big, great rebounder I could count on him on the boards most of the times, when I made 3-4 extra fast passes with the final one to my totally open best shooter and made the shot with perfect release I didn't need to worry about BS "open look missed" non-sense etc..

Sounds like it was so much more enjoyable....These scripted matches and random streaks are starting to turn me off a bit...I go hours without playing (because my team decided they couldn't make a shot or defend), join a match and still can't make a single open shot for 3 straight matches.
Yea, in early S1 you had streaks in H2H for a reason and most of times it was just one player, not whole team. When I made shitty shot with bad timing 2 times in a row my sniper became cold for next 2-3 shots and I had to dunk with him or score some easy midrange to make him scoring 3s again, it was really cool. Now you have random streaks for entire team for no reason. I beat my opponent 24-6 or so and next game I can't hit single 3 pointer cuz EA decided it's time to miss some open shots with perfect release..

You can't be sure about anything in SD. I play good quarter against some guy, winning 22-15, he beats me 18-4 and I think his AI is so much better cuz I did all I could and still lost 15.. but the next game I play against him one more time, I do the same things, I have the same skills but I win 19-3 and his final score is 16-16.. almost everything is scripted in SD, my elevate 84 Griffin can outrebound some great 82-84 PFs in 1-2 quarters and in the next one he can't get a single rebound against Griffin leveled to just 77.. ;D
Well, I'll be.... Just ran off 8 W's in a row. Haven't had a streak like this in a long time. I'm used to winning 3, losing 2, winning 1, losing 2, winning 2 losing 1. If it's scripted, I'm glad I'm finally on the winning side for a change lol. Maybe it realizes that I lost 32K fans from forfeit.

They really do need to make these rewards better. Like, during OSM they gave OSM gold for reaching certain tiers during the week, but the rewards for Legend and top 500 had nothing to do with OSM.
i am not even able to make it to top 1k

Probably worth it to play spare stamina in SD for the rep alone. Gonna be some packs that will be rep bought in the store for tip off. Don't need to get top 1k or even 500 to get a nice chunk of rep lol. I've seen some people say they've gotten 700K fans in like 2 days. That's.....amazing lol. I just try to make a goal of 220K a day and try to get ahead in the first two days so there's less pressure in the remaining days. Even 220K a day is a chore to do, that's basically 22 wins with no losses, which is unlikely so it will take probably 25 or so wins and about 12-14 losses. Really not that bad if you have the time, just gotta win 2 for every loss. Hardest part is grinding thru the backbreaking 1 point losses or tiebreak losses, especially after you missed wide open shots on the last possession that were technically game winners. I've come extremely close to destroying this tablet, but have surprisingly not done so. I know well before hand that destroying it will do absolutely no good, but when you're in a heated rage it's hard to stop it.

I've learned that when the app starts to change against me, it's time to log off lol.


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