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Rookie 1
So today I pulled OSM Derozan from the set and I'm not sure what to do with him. I played a few showdown games with him and I'm not sure if he's better or not than Harden, even though he has 82 3pt stat vs Harden's 78, Not knowing if 83 Harden (80 3pt) will be grindable should I keep him for now or what? Anyone having experience with this card? Thanks.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Try to sell DeRozan as he gets posted for higher and since is a higher overall has a better chance to sell


Rookie 1
Try to sell DeRozan as he gets posted for higher and since is a higher overall has a better chance to sell

I played a few more quarters with him and I have to say he's better than Harden. He went 7/9 3s against a 79 ovr, me being 80ovr. Harden has been incosistent for me, but still good enough. He doesn't affect my ovr, since I also have 80 ovr Beal for my bench. But with this new Klay card, I think I agree with you Stewie, I have to sell him.
I pulled an OSM T-Mac after 20 plus tries, tried him in the starting spot over Harden and he's been there, since. He doesn't get quite as cold as Harden does, it seems and he's a better defender, usually. Lately he's been ball watching under the basket while his man gets wide open on the wings. Might be time to give Harden another look, should be charged up lol


Rookie 1
I pulled an OSM T-Mac after 20 plus tries, tried him in the starting spot over Harden and he's been there, since. He doesn't get quite as cold as Harden does, it seems and he's a better defender, usually. Lately he's been ball watching under the basket while his man gets wide open on the wings. Might be time to give Harden another look, should be charged up lol
Pretty sure you can't pull T-Mac from the set...
I pulled an OSM T-Mac after 20 plus tries, tried him in the starting spot over Harden and he's been there, since. He doesn't get quite as cold as Harden does, it seems and he's a better defender, usually. Lately he's been ball watching under the basket while his man gets wide open on the wings. Might be time to give Harden another look, should be charged up lol
Pretty sure you can't pull T-Mac from the set...

By 20 + tries I meant the "Wide Awake Rep Pack" :oops: :oops: rep had to be spent somewhere, I guess

I got about half way to completing the 81 set, and decided I might be better off just selling each gold in the AH.


Rookie 1
So, after I tried selling him for as low as 191k BN price, the bots bought him when I put him up for 174k st. bid and 195k BN price. They actually bought him for 195k! After 3 hours! The ah gets weirder by the day...
So, after I tried selling him for as low as 191k BN price, the bots bought him when I put him up for 174k st. bid and 195k BN price. They actually bought him for 195k! After 3 hours! The ah gets weirder by the day...

That's great! How do you know the bot bought it?? I still have no idea if a human or bot buys mine


All-Star 3
So, after I tried selling him for as low as 191k BN price, the bots bought him when I put him up for 174k st. bid and 195k BN price. They actually bought him for 195k! After 3 hours! The ah gets weirder by the day...

Cool . Been trying to sell marion with no luck


Rookie 1
So, after I tried selling him for as low as 191k BN price, the bots bought him when I put him up for 174k st. bid and 195k BN price. They actually bought him for 195k! After 3 hours! The ah gets weirder by the day...

That's great! How do you know the bot bought it?? I still have no idea if a human or bot buys mine

I thought only bots were buying our cards... Did something change?
So, after I tried selling him for as low as 191k BN price, the bots bought him when I put him up for 174k st. bid and 195k BN price. They actually bought him for 195k! After 3 hours! The ah gets weirder by the day...

That's great! How do you know the bot bought it?? I still have no idea if a human or bot buys mine

I thought only bots were buying our cards... Did something change?

I'm not sure. I may have misunderstood Stew, but I thought he said the bot CAN buy the card, but it doesn't always.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That's great! How do you know the bot bought it?? I still have no idea if a human or bot buys mine

I thought only bots were buying our cards... Did something change?

I'm not sure. I may have misunderstood Stew, but I thought he said the bot CAN buy the card, but it doesn't always.

The bot is the only one that can buy your card you posted but it doesn't always buy it meaning just because you put it up for any price doesn't mean the bot will buy it but players are the only ones that buy cards that you see on the AHs the ones you see on the AHs are copies (if they posted within the price caps) of the cards that people posted
I thought only bots were buying our cards... Did something change?

I'm not sure. I may have misunderstood Stew, but I thought he said the bot CAN buy the card, but it doesn't always.

The bot is the only one that can buy your card you posted but it doesn't always buy it meaning just because you put it up for any price doesn't mean the bot will buy it but players are the only ones that buy cards that you see on the AHs the ones you see on the AHs are copies (if they posted within the price caps) of the cards that people posted

Ok. I know we did this a few days ago, but I think I almost got it. The bot HAS to buy it in order for a copy to be made to be bid on. If no ones buys the copy, the bot then returns us the copy?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm not sure. I may have misunderstood Stew, but I thought he said the bot CAN buy the card, but it doesn't always.

The bot is the only one that can buy your card you posted but it doesn't always buy it meaning just because you put it up for any price doesn't mean the bot will buy it but players are the only ones that buy cards that you see on the AHs the ones you see on the AHs are copies (if they posted within the price caps) of the cards that people posted

Ok. I know we did this a few days ago, but I think I almost got it. The bot HAS to buy it in order for a copy to be made to be bid on. If no ones buys the copy, the bot then returns us the copy?

No in order for a mirror to be made you have to be within the price caps both of them not just the min or max caps and if someone buys the mirror the bot can decide to buy the real one (the one in the "my auctions" section) and if it doesn't buy the real one then it is returned to you despite the fact that the mirror sold so it would then make 1 card real card into 2 real cards by selling a card to a user and not buying the original one from another user


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