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The bot is the only one that can buy your card you posted but it doesn't always buy it meaning just because you put it up for any price doesn't mean the bot will buy it but players are the only ones that buy cards that you see on the AHs the ones you see on the AHs are copies (if they posted within the price caps) of the cards that people posted

Ok. I know we did this a few days ago, but I think I almost got it. The bot HAS to buy it in order for a copy to be made to be bid on. If no ones buys the copy, the bot then returns us the copy?

No in order for a mirror to be made you have to be within the price caps both of them not just the min or max caps and if someone buys the mirror the bot can decide to buy the real one (the one in the "my auctions" section) and if it doesn't buy the real one then it is returned to you despite the fact that the mirror sold so it would then make 1 card real card into 2 real cards by selling a card to a user and not buying the original one from another user

Ohh...That's the part I was missing...I don't understand why that's the way it is. It seems...wrong.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Ok. I know we did this a few days ago, but I think I almost got it. The bot HAS to buy it in order for a copy to be made to be bid on. If no ones buys the copy, the bot then returns us the copy?

No in order for a mirror to be made you have to be within the price caps both of them not just the min or max caps and if someone buys the mirror the bot can decide to buy the real one (the one in the "my auctions" section) and if it doesn't buy the real one then it is returned to you despite the fact that the mirror sold so it would then make 1 card real card into 2 real cards by selling a card to a user and not buying the original one from another user

Ohh...That's the part I was missing...I don't understand why that's the way it is. It seems...wrong.

EA did that on all mobile games to stop people from buying coins from 3rd parties because if there is no guarantee that your mirror selling will get you coins then they won't buy coins as well as the caps not allowing people to put cards for outrageous amounts that can be bought by coin sellers because before the bot people would sell bronze cards for as much as 100 mil due to them buying coins from a coin seller
No in order for a mirror to be made you have to be within the price caps both of them not just the min or max caps and if someone buys the mirror the bot can decide to buy the real one (the one in the "my auctions" section) and if it doesn't buy the real one then it is returned to you despite the fact that the mirror sold so it would then make 1 card real card into 2 real cards by selling a card to a user and not buying the original one from another user

Ohh...That's the part I was missing...I don't understand why that's the way it is. It seems...wrong.

EA did that on all mobile games to stop people from buying coins from 3rd parties because if there is no guarantee that your mirror selling will get you coins then they won't buy coins as well as the caps not allowing people to put cards for outrageous amounts that can be bought by coin sellers because before the bot people would sell bronze cards for as much as 100 mil due to them buying coins from a coin seller

Ah, there it is. Thanks.
So, after I tried selling him for as low as 191k BN price, the bots bought him when I put him up for 174k st. bid and 195k BN price. They actually bought him for 195k! After 3 hours! The ah gets weirder by the day...

No-one knows for sure how the AH works but it sounds as though someone bought your card on a different AH. If the bot bought it, then you just happened to be the lucky person whose card it decided to purchase as most people are putting their cards through at similar price ranges. At the moment, we know that the bot isn't posting cards that would classify as snipes and we also know that most people aren't buying the 81s even at the lowest prices listed. The combination of those two factors is making it difficult for people to sell their cards. Therefore, the most likely assumption is that someone bought your card because they wanted a SG.

The primary reason why we can't see the cards we post and why they're posted in different AHs is that we used to be able to transfer cards/coins between accounts which EA wanted to abolish. If the card sells in a different AH, you should get those coins. There are times when your cards sell instantly which makes me believe that the bot is only involved in posting cards and choosing whether to bid on them before the expiry.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So, after I tried selling him for as low as 191k BN price, the bots bought him when I put him up for 174k st. bid and 195k BN price. They actually bought him for 195k! After 3 hours! The ah gets weirder by the day...

No-one knows for sure how the AH works but it sounds as though someone bought your card on a different AH. If the bot bought it, then you just happened to be the lucky person whose card it decided to purchase as most people are putting their cards through at similar price ranges. At the moment, we know that the bot isn't posting cards that would classify as snipes and we also know that most people aren't buying the 81s even at the lowest prices listed. The combination of those two factors is making it difficult for people to sell their cards. Therefore, the most likely assumption is that someone bought your card because they wanted a SG.

The primary reason why we can't see the cards we post and why they're posted in different AHs is that we used to be able to transfer cards/coins between accounts which EA wanted to abolish. If the card sells in a different AH, you should get those coins. There are times when your cards sell instantly which makes me believe that the bot is only involved in posting cards and choosing whether to bid on them before the expiry.

Well even on mirrored cards that are sniped it can take 3+ hours for the bot to buy it but sometimes the bot will buy it like 10 minutes after it's sniped so so their algorithm is very inconsistent


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It would be funny if it used the same odds as packs. It sure feels like you have a 3% chance of the bot buying your elite.

I wouldn't be surprised because that sounds about right because getting an elite that isn't a brand new card to sell is like winning the lottery lol specifically the 80s
It would be funny if it used the same odds as packs. It sure feels like you have a 3% chance of the bot buying your elite.

I see people with cards that can only be had from store packs either NBA Cash or actual cash, with like a 5 or 3 % chance of getting! I just dont get it. Just repeated tossing 10 dollars into EA until you finally pull Ginobili???? That 84 Wade had like a 3 % pull! I guess I understand why people flock to Youtube channels that pretty much exclusively open packs.


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