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NBA Returns Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Guess I'll just go for the remaining 3 players that I Wanted. And use a 3ed of my coins on larry ✌🏽
You're welcome but imo no card simgle lineup card is worth that much if it was balanced the that would be a different story because it would then allow you to put it on any lineup but since it's only SS it can't touch the LD or street lineups thus not allowing you to recoup or save coins


Pro 2
You're welcome but imo no card simgle lineup card is worth that much if it was balanced the that would be a different story because it would then allow you to put it on any lineup but since it's only SS it can't touch the LD or street lineups thus not allowing you to recoup or save coins
🤷‍♂️ understood, on vacation for another 4 more days so i had plenty of time, but as you said i aint trying to die for a card


Rookie 3
Guess I'll just go for the remaining 3 players that I Wanted. And use a 3ed of my coins on larry ✌🏽
Purchased larry for 6M and 8M on my two accounts. Just watch out for flocks of birds that are flooding the AH. I think there are more people who had the bird glitch and releasing them by batch with start prices ranging from 5M to 6M.


Rookie 2
Any hint what next promo will be? God I wish it’s something similar to S1 Playoffs promo. That was fun and the promo that got me hooked to this game.


All-Star 1
A lot may not see a difference but that doesn't matter to me and why I'm looking forward to testing the new balanced playstyle
Any thoughts on Phil yet? Playee one SD match & I was happy with it. Defense seemed like a good middle ground and offense was smooth. Need to look at it more before I can really figure it out but I'm happy so far.

Also happy that I can use a Balanced Court to max out the boost.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Any thoughts on Phil yet? Playee one SD match & I was happy with it. Defense seemed like a good middle ground and offense was smooth. Need to look at it more before I can really figure it out but I'm happy so far.

Also happy that I can use a Balanced Court to max out the boost.
In limited use I feel the same way and I'm also glad like you said that using the best courts doesn't take away from maxing your coach anymore


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm salty about taking Redd over Crawford his card doesn't play like his Decards card (bought it to test sprinting since I already had a Crawford card to test that with) and Crawford can hit 109 while it's very hard to do that with Redd smfh idk how they went from 100% sprint to 50% on the same damn player but different card it has always been a constant in my experience this is the 1st card that I've seen that doesn't follow that "rule"


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