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Be Kind Rewind Promo

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
I needed twenty 96 players to complete harden, I had ten 101to 103 players,God comes this way now I can earn 96 by just 1000 points, I had no coins to buy 96 players. I'm lucky


Rookie 1
Damn man the warm up points event is just crashing Everytime I get three stars.. this is so frustrating.... Not once 3 times in a row .... I lost 150 warm up points and 4500 rewind points.. EA pls rectify.... Damn

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Damn man the warm up points event is just crashing Everytime I get three stars.. this is so frustrating.... Not once 3 times in a row .... I lost 150 warm up points and 4500 rewind points.. EA pls rectify.... Damn
Me also has crashed and have said to my self I will not use warm up point until day 2, I think they make it to crash so that they can slow us down so that we don't complete event early


Rookie 1
Me also has crashed and have said to my self I will not use warm up point until day 2, I think they make it to crash so that they can slow us down so that we don't complete event early
Also look at what the scoreboard point difference says and the point difference on the corner .....this happened bcauz free throws aren't counted


  • Screenshot_2020-07-23-19-13-08-16_4584a5ce68532a9b1595dd10d8c8b9bf.jpg
    181.5 KB · Views: 264


Rookie 3
Another week, another recycled promo with 106 cards that do nothing for my lineup.. By this time last season, we already had Shaq Week which gave you two 107 masters and were in the middle of the Erving/Archibald promo that gave you a 108 master.

I’ll play to reach the daily goals, since I’m still on track to get the second MM in Kyrie, but I won’t put much effort into this promo.


Rookie 3
but they random right? does 1 purchase give you 4 players? whos our test dummy any takers?
It gives you the choice out of four players. I’ve bought three boost packs and got Curry, Hrden and Zion. Then I bought the 1000 random pack and got 102 Melo.


Pro 2
Yeah smfh why display a master that only some players can get next to 2 masters you can choose from I guess I'll save my sanity and only go for Embiid since with my luck this year #1 will be impossible without spending a crap ton of coins especially if I'm in dzilla's bracket again like last time he had 140k storm points in a couple of days so he coasted to that 106 Westbrook
It’s odd. It will be in store tho — card says “store exclusive”


Pro 2
So after the boost players, what's the cheapest way to 101? Cuz we cant get shaq AND Embiid, right? I'm aiming for 101 at least right now. Thanks in advance


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So after the boost players, what's the cheapest way to 101? Cuz we cant get shaq AND Embiid, right? I'm aiming for 101 at least right now. Thanks in advance
Here is someone's lineup from reddit they said Oladipo was all that was needed


Rookie 1
Who is better the Shaq or embiid ... I was thinking Abt Shaq but his contested shot is so low he will get blocked often but embiid s rebounding is damn low compared to Shaq.. pls help.


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