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The Heist

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
hi all, i want to ask how the does the boost item help us to advance through to get the 106payton? so far i have got two 100ovr, still working slowy to get my first 102 card :(
I lost a lot of players trying to get that item, +stamina it will give you two items then third one you will sweat to find it


Rookie 1
I lost a lot of players trying to get that item, +stamina it will give you two items then third one you will sweat to find it

Thanks, I see that it seems uncertain on what you will get but u will need to spend a lot. maybe that's why they call it "heist" campaign :)


Rookie 1
If you want Gary Payton, just do the re-roll of the 102 three times after you get the first 102 in the sets and that counts as 4 102s.

Thank you. So this mean after getting a 102, you just need to spend coins to re-roll three times and get to play the GP event. We don't need to actually get 102s.


Rookie 3
I don't know if you are talking about me, but if you are, my problem is that I will have to stay away from the game for the next 9 or 10 days probably, so I won't certainly get 103 ovr. I just wanted Davis and the only way I could get him was the reroll. But it hasn't worked
Took me 9 tries, but I got AD


Rookie 1
100 Heist Player Exchange won't work today. Is there a max of 3 times you can do it? I figured it was once a day, but ....

It's not once per day. It's 24 hours after you did it last. So if it's currently 11am and you did the set yesterday at 6pm you have to wait until 6pm today.

You should be able to tell how much time you need to wait by the countdown timer for the set.

Does that help?


Rookie 1
It's not once per day. It's 24 hours after you did it last. So if it's currently 11am and you did the set yesterday at 6pm you have to wait until 6pm today.

You should be able to tell how much time you need to wait by the countdown timer for the set.

Does that help?
Ah, ok. You'd think after playing the game for months, I'd realize things like that. Lol

Thank you


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