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The Heist


Rookie 1
Update: total of 48 tries, got IT 3 times, no AD. I had set the goal to 104 Drummond after the 30th try, but I haven't got him in the next 18 tries. I'll stop there


Rookie 3
It’s a 9 day promo (6 days and an hour left) so i guess no reason to hurry really. I would just continue to stack myself with 102s (reroll only when i get dups) and probably get some 103s or 104s along the way then just reroll maybe on the last day if i still don’t hit 103.


Rookie 1
It’s a 9 day promo (6 days and an hour left) so i guess no reason to hurry really. I would just continue to stack myself with 102s (reroll only when i get dups) and probably get some 103s or 104s along the way then just reroll maybe on the last day if i still don’t hit 103.
I don't know if you are talking about me, but if you are, my problem is that I will have to stay away from the game for the next 9 or 10 days probably, so I won't certainly get 103 ovr. I just wanted Davis and the only way I could get him was the reroll. But it hasn't worked

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
I think the game is favoring me I'm getting 105 players by just rerolling one time only, I think it's looking ur account if you have a lot of coins, me I don't have coins but I'm getting the best players.


Rookie 3
I don't know if you are talking about me, but if you are, my problem is that I will have to stay away from the game for the next 9 or 10 days probably, so I won't certainly get 103 ovr. I just wanted Davis and the only way I could get him was the reroll. But it hasn't worked
Well, yeah. If you will be very busy for the next days but want that AD then i guess you have no choice but to reroll. For some who can grind the promo until the last day, i would suggest not to hurry that much. Anyway, goodluck and hope you get your card if you are planning to try some more rerolls.


Rookie 1
The money bag ultra boost can be added to the ultraboost set, which otherwise ( ultraboost ) is difficult to get ....


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