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All-Star 1
also says they'll implement this within the next 24 hours.

would everyone get this or only those of us who aren't getting ads? I am getting them, but nowhere as much as I was getting before the update.
It will most likely be universally applied. So the rich get richer...😜


Rookie 1
KD looks attainable. They did give us 2000 bonus today though. Not sure with next few days.
I don't think they would give 2000 every day, but EA would change the value of warmup events so that would help if you have a ton of warmup points. I would just sell kd, there is no place for him in my lineup.


Rookie 2
I don't think they would give 2000 every day, but EA would change the value of warmup events so that would help if you have a ton of warmup points. I would just sell kd, there is no place for him in my lineup.

Yea agree. Tho I'm already at 9500. Haven't finished the last first win for the day and the 50 points each event.
Plus we will get more 5 percent boost as we go on.

So it seems I'll do beyond one day requirement of 9500 today, so durant should be doable or at least really close


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